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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CNDG5

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM ValuePoint - Type 64xx formatting a hard disk drive

Applicable to: World-Wide

Formatting a Hard Disk Drive:
Hard disk drives normally contain tracks in excess of their stated capacity to allow for defective tracks. The user is notified by a diagnostic message when the defect limit has been reached and service is recommended.

The Diagnostics Format program is different from the operating system format program. Before the customer can transfer information from the backup diskettes to the hard disk drive, the hard disk drive must be formatted using the operating system format program. Have the customer refer to the operating system manual for a description of the hard disk preparation commands.

The Diagnostics Format program on this diskette might damage non-IBM hard disk drives. Refer to the documentation that came with the drive for low-level formatting information.

All data on the selected hard disk drive is destroyed during a format operation or surface analysis.

Formatting results in a complete loss of data on the hard disk drive, including system programs. If you are directed to or elect to format the hard disk drive, prior to formatting you must have the customer back up all information, if possible.

Formatting Procedure:
Before replacing a failing hard disk drive, try to format it as follows:
1. Power-off the computer. Check that the hard disk drive cable is tightly connected.
2. Insert the diagnostics diskette into drive A.
3. Power-on the computer.
4. Press 1 (Test the System), then press Enter.
5. Depending on the options installed in the computer, questions about attached devices appears on the screen. Answer as required, then press Enter.
6. If the list is incorrect, run the Configuration Utility program (see ¿Diagnostics and Test Information— in this supplement). Check to see if any adapter or device is set to a conflicting address with any other adapter or device. Also be sure that any adapter or device missing from the list is not set to ¿disabled.—
Press Y (Is this list correct? (Y/N)) , then press Enter.
7. Press 1 (Run tests ONE time) , then press Enter.
8. Press 99 (Bypass ( ) all tests) , then press Enter.
9. Select Hard Disk Drive , then press Enter. The Hard Disk Drive test begins.
10. At the Hard Disk Drive Test Select Menu, press7 , then press Enter.
11. Press Y (Do you want to continue? (Y/N)) , then press Enter.
12. Press Y (This is your last chance to cancel! Do you want to continue? (Y/N)) , then press Enter. Formatting progress is displayed on the screen.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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Product Family


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6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494




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