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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3A8FJE

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TP 360 - System Dead Or Hanging On Boot

Applicable to: World-Wide

The system is completely dead, hanging during boot, reporting no memory or showing floppy drive problems. A fault has been found on a small number of ThinkPad 360s shipped this year, due to a spacer between circuit boards being too short. This short spacer causes stress in the system board and in severe cases can cause the pins of a nearby chip to lift.

Problem Isolation Aids:

If the system is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, two things need replacing - the system board and the spacer between the system board and the power card (DC/DC card). The FRU for a ThinkPad 360 system board now includes a new black spacer which replaces the previous white spacer. If this new spacer is not shipped, please request one from your Warranty Department. If particular customers are experiencing high failure rates, new black spacers can be ordered and fitted by any IBM authorised dealer, IBM ServicePoint or by using the IBM HelpServe facility.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 360

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