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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QNJC3

PCServer704 - System Configuration Utility Default Settings

Applicable to: World-Wide

System Configuration Utility Default Settings
The following are the System Configuration Utility program settings at the time it was shipped. The settings may have been changed by the customer.

Menu Options Default Value

System Group

System Identification and Version Information
System Identification String None
Config and Overlay Version
BIOS Version String
MP Sec. Version 1.1

System Processor Status
1st Processor Status, Module 1 No Failures detected
2nd Processor Status, Module 1 No failures detected
3rd Processor Status, Module 2 No failures detected
4th Processor Status, Module 2 No failures detected

System Performance
Power-on Speed Fast
Secondary IOAPIC control Disable

Memory Subsystem
Base Memory Option 640 KB
Shadowing ISA ROMs Options (Menu)
Extended Memory Options (Menu)

Peripheral Configuration Group

Automatic Configuration Enable
Onboard Disk Controllers
Onboard Floppy Controller Enable

Onboard Communications Devices
Serial Port 1 Configuration Serial Port 1 Address
and IRQ
Serial Port 2 Configuration Serial Port 2 Address
and IRQ
Parallel Port Configuration Parallel Port Address and IRQ
Parallel Port Mode Parallel port mode
Parallel Port DMA Valid only with
ECP mode

Floppy Subsystem Group
Floppy drive A Options Size and capacity
Floppy drive B Options Size and capacity

Language Support Group
Language Support options Languages

Keyboard/Mouse Subsystem Group
NumLock Options Off at Boot
Typematic Speed Auto
Mouse Control Option Autodetected

Console Redirection
COM port for redirection Disable
Baud rate 115.2k

Hardware Flow Control None
Terminal Type ANSI

Security Subsystem
&adm2. Password Disable
User Password Disable
Hot-Key Option Disable
Lockout Timer 10 min.
Secure Boot Mode Disable
Video Blanking Disable

Boot Subsystem Group
First Startup Drive Diskette Drive
Second Startup Drive Hard Disk 0
Third Startup Drive Boot disabled
Fourth Startup Drive Boot Network
Display '<F1> for Setup— Enable
message during POST
Require user interaction on Disable
POST errors

SCSI ROM BIOS Options Group
SCSI A ROM scan Enable
SCSI B ROM scan Enable

LCD Enable
LC Display String Before OS Boot Default

Management Subsystem

Temperature/Voltage Limit Control (Menu)
A to D Channel Enable Switch (Menu)
Speaker Options Enable
Scan user flash area Disable

System Management Options

System Management Mode Enable
SMM time stamp Source POST capture
Event Logging Disable
Reserve VGA resources Reserve VGA memory

Options Default Value

Flash EEPROM Revision Level
System Board Identifier
System Serial Number
Video Setup
Video Controller SVGA
Video Memory 512 KB

The following table shows the defaults for system memory and extended memory that was shipped with the system.

Option Default Value

System Memory 640KB
Extended Memory 360KB
Bank 0 socket 1 16MB (Non RAID and Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 2 16MB (Non RAID and Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 3 16MB (Non RAID and Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 4 16MB (Non RAID and Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 5 16MB (Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 6 16MB (Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 7 16MB (Disk Array models)
Bank 0 socket 8 16MB (Disk Array models)
Bank 1 socket 1
Bank 1 socket 2
Bank 1 socket 3
Bank 1 socket 4
Bank 1 socket 5
Bank 1 socket 6
Bank 1 socket 7
Bank 1 socket 8

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Configuration, Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 704

Machine Type




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and Admin Purposes