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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3MXPW7

IBM PC300XL - Tips for installing options in your computer

Applicable to: World-Wide


The following tips are specific to computers using Windows 95. Before using the tips in this section, use the instructions provided with the option. The following section contains general tips that can be used with many types of options. If you have installed a retail version of Windows 95 and are installing a CD-ROM drive, you must download a file for bus mastering support from the IBM Web site. Downloadable files are available within Support and Services for the PC 300XL at:

Look for the file Z23T11A - Bus Mastering IDE/SMART V3.01 or the most recent version of this file for machine type 6588. If you have installed a retail version of Windows 95 onto the computer, note that you might need the Windows 95 installation diskettes or CD (of the retail version) in order to complete the option installation.

Your IBM computer incorporates the latest in personal computing technology. Because of this, many of the system resources your computer provides are in use by existing components.

In the future, if you install an option (adapter, CD-ROM, and so on), a conflict might occur when the newly installed device attempts to access system resources that are allocated to an existing device. If you encounter an error after installing an option, you can use the Device Manager program of Windows 95 to reconfigure devices. Use the following information to troubleshoot option installation problems:

Before Installing the Option:
- Read any publications provided with the option.
- Obtain the device drivers needed for the option. Many manufacturers include the appropriate device drivers on diskettes provided with the option. Some manufacturers might post the device drivers on the Internet from which you can download onto a diskette. For details, see the documentation provided with the option or contact the manufacturer of the option.
- Obtain the Windows 95 diskettes or CD.
- Run ConfigSafe (or a similar application) to take a snapshot of your computer configuration. This allows you to view the changes in the computer configuration after you install the option. Also, if you have problems configuring the option after it is installed, ConfigSafe allows you to restore the snapshot of the previous settings. ConfigSafe is part of the pre-installed software of your computer. For more information, see About Your Software provided with your computer.
- Read the following publications provided with your computer:
-- Using Your Personal Computer.
-- Installing Options in Your Personal Computer.
--Understanding Your Personal Computer (installable from the Ready-to-Configure Utility Program CD or included with the preinstalled software.)
- If your computer is powered on, shut down the operating system. Next, turn off and unplug your computer.

Installing the Option:
Follow the instructions in Installing Options in Your Personal Computer and the publications provided with the option.

1. If you are installing an adapter, read the section in Installing Options in Your Personal Computer that refers to the different slots provided with your computer. Information is provided about PCI, ISA, and shared slots.
2. If you are installing multiple options, install one option and ensure that it is configured correctly before installing another option. If you install more than one option at a time, multiple system resource conflicts might occur.
3. Be careful when working near the microprocessor. Under normal use, the microprocessor can become very hot.

After Installing the Option:
1. Replace the computer cover, connect all cords and cables, and power on your system. After Windows 95 starts, the New Hardware Found window appears.
2. Select Driver From Disk Provided by Hardware Manufacturer.
3. Insert the device driver diskette into diskette drive A.

Note: Depending on where the device drivers are located, you might have to type in the correct file location on the line provided or browse to find it. Some manufacturers might place the device drivers in a A:\WIN95 directory.

4. Click OK and then follow the procedures on screen.
5. Go to Device Manager in Windows 95 and look for the option in the list of devices. If there is a conflict, Windows 95 indicates this by placing a yellow ! beside the option. If you have a conflict, you might have to manually configure the option using Device Manager. For information on using Device Manager, see the help screens provided by Windows 95 and any publications provided with the Windows 95 diskettes or CD. Also, Microsoft provides assistance on the World Wide Web. Go to the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com and search for Device Manager.

For More Assistance:
If you still cannot resolve system-resource conflicts, do the following:
- Verify that you have the latest device drivers for the option. Contact the manufacturer of the option for more information.
- Verify that you have the latest BIOS for your computer. IBM might make changes and enhancements to the computer BIOS. When updates are released, they are available as downloadable files on the World Wide Web or through the PC Company Bulletin Board Service. See Using Your Personal Computer for more information.

To further help solve any conflicts, look for information on the World Wide Web at: http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/cdt

Look for Support and Services for the PC 300XL. You can find important information on solving system-resource conflicts for specific options. Also, look for the list of popular options and step-by-step instructions on how to configure these options for your computer.

IBM also provides support through our HelpCenter. For further assistance in the United States, call 1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call 1-800-565-3344.

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Windows 95

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PC 300XL

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