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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3LQL5C

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

35/70GB DLT Tape Drive - May require screws for installation (US Only)

Applicable to: United States

A small number of DLT 35/70GB Internal SCSI Tape Drives were shipped without screws required for installation. The correct screws are an available part when the product is entitled against the Option PN of 00K7900 in LENA. WorldWide stock has been reworked, but exposure is present for approximately 150 tape drives that have reached the hands of the customers.

Dealers, if your customer has not received screws for their 35/70GB Internal DLT SCSI Tape Drive, have the customer contact the IBM HelpCenter and request screwpack 02K3438. To assist your customer, you may contact the HelpCenter directly and request the screws for your customer. This screwpack is available only through the HelpCenter. The screwpack does
not exist as a service part number

If a customer is installing the DLT 35/70GB Tape Drive (Option PN 00K7900), enter the option product into the component information fields on the right hand side of LENA. The component type will be Non-Preloaded Hardware, and 00K7900 should be added for the Item. Goto Action and then order parts. Select 02K3438 from the available list. 02K3438 has been
given the description of "Screwpack for DLT 35/70GB." This solution is available for US customers.

Verify customer's name, telephone number, and ship-to address. Screws provided through the HC are free of charge without return. Close the call with the closing codes of Tape Drive for Component, Installation/Configuration for Problem, Product Failure for CallType, and Materials Sent for Resolution. Once the call is closed, a report will be generated and the correct screws will be sent to the customer. UPS ground has been used to ship similar products to the customer.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Tape Drives, Hardware Installation/Configuration

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IBM Options

Product Family

Tape Drives

Machine Type

35.x GB




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