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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TMRKU

Netfinity 3500 - Installing NetWare 3.12

Applicable to: World-Wide

Netfinity 3500 NOS Installation Instructions for NetWare 3.12
Revision Level: 1.0
Updated: 01/26/98

Follow the NOS instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Screens and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following sections:
1.0 What You Will Need
2.0 Where To Download Device Drivers/Files
3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users

4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions
4.1 Setting Up the Hardware for NOS Installation
4.2 Setting Up the BIOS
4.3 Configuring Hard Disk Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller
4.4 Running the NetWare 3.12 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller

Appendix A: Installing NetWare 3.12 Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
A.1 Configuring Arrays Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
A.2 Running the NetWare 3.12 Installation Program Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter

Appendix B: Installing NetWare 3.12 Patches
B.1 Installing OS Patches for NetWare 3.12
B.2 Installing CLIB Update for NetWare 3.12
B.3 Installing LAN Drivers Update for NetWare 3.12
B.4 Installing CD-ROM Patch for NetWare 3.12
B.5 Installing VREPAIR Update for NetWare 3.12

1.0 What You Will Need:
Flat-blade screwdriver (to install hard disk drives).

Supported hard disk drive. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your Server.

Licensed copy of MS-DOS 6.22 (or later) or PC-DOS 6.3 (or later).

Licensed copy of Novell NetWare 3.12.

IBM Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Diskette, Version 2.53 (part number 10L8829) or later.

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) OR you can get the 10L8829.EXE file from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see the next section for more information).

7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 and WIN NT, Diskette 1 of 2 (part number 10L9293).

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) OR you can get the 10L9293.EXE file from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see the next section for more information).

IBM Netfinity 3500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package.

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) OR you can get the 10L8832.EXE file from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see the next section for more information).

If you have added a PC ServeRAID II Adapter, you will need:
PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.40 (part number 10L9201) or later.

PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.40 (part number 10L9198) or later.

If PC ServeRAID II Adapter BIOS is not Version 2.40 (or later), you will need IBM ServeRAID II BIOS Firmware, Version 2.40 (part number 10L9218) or later.

Note: These diskette images are included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) or you can get the 10L9201.EXE, 10L9198.EXE, and 10L9218.EXE files from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see the next section for more information).

One blank diskette to extract the IDECD.CMD file. Label this diskette, 'IDECD.CDM Update'.

One blank diskette for each of the above device driver diskettes that you are using for your particular installation.

Novell NetWare 3.12 Patches from the Minimum Patch List

Note: The following patches are needed to follow these instructions. (However, NetWare requires the entire Minimum Patch List be applied to the system for support.) See Appendix B for further information on downloading and installing these patches.

OS Patches for NetWare 3.12 (file name 312PTB.EXE)

CLIB Update for NetWare 3.12 (file name LIB312.EXE)

CD-ROM Patch for NetWare 3.12 (file name CDUP5.EXE)

VREPAIR for NetWare 3.12 (file name VRP386.EXE)

LAN Driver Patch for NetWare 3.12 (file name LANDR9.EXE)

2.0 Where To Download Device Drivers/Files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For countries outside the U.S., begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

Novell web site: http://support.novell.com/misc/patlst.htm#nw312

Novell FTP site: ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw312

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions.

3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users
1. If your server is not auto-sensing, check the voltage-selection switch and verify that it is in the correct position.

2. If you are using the integrated Adaptec controller, set the jumpers on the hard disk drive to SCSI ID 0 and be sure active termination is not enabled. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and plan to use it as the startup device, see Appendix A. If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup.

3. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, select ISA Legacy Resources and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from Available to ISA Resource. From the ISA Legacy Resources window, press Escape and select Save Settings. Press Enter and then select Exit Setup. Press Escape and Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

4. Install DOS remembering to use a DOS partition smaller than 2 GB.

5. If you are using the integrated Adaptec controller:
Run DOSINST from the EZ-SCSI Diskette 2 of 3, Version 4.02L to set up the DOS CD-ROM support.

Create a SERVER.312 directory and copy all the *.DSK files from the A:\NETWARE\V3_1X\ directory from the 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 and WIN NT, Diskette 1 of 2.

6. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter:
Under DOS, use the A:\DOS\UNINSTALL utility from the PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.40 (or later) to install the proper device and CD-ROM drivers.

Under NetWare, create a SERVER.312 directory and use the A:\NETWARE\INSTALL utility from the PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.40 (or later) to install the proper device and CD-ROM drivers.

7. Using a standard text editor, verify the following lines xist in the CONFIG.SYS file in the C: directory. If these lines appear, type REM at the beginning of each line.

8. Use the E100B.LAN device driver from the Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Diskette, Version 2.53 diskette for the integrated 10/100 Ethernet adapter. The device driver is located in NWERVER directory.

Use the ETHERTSM.NLM from the LANDR9 LAN Driver Patch for the integrated 10/100 Ethernet adapter. See Appendix B for more information about installing NetWare 3.12 patches.

9. Installation of NetWare 3.12 base NOS install is complete. Continue with Appendix B to install the necessary patches to bring your NOS to a supported level.

10. Comment out any lines in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files which pertain to CD-ROM support if you plan on using the CD-ROM as a Volume in NetWare.

4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions

4.1 Setting Up the Hardware for NOS Installation:
1. Extend the servers lateral base supports (feet) by turning them clockwise until they are perpendicular to the sides of the system unit.

2. Locate the key lock on the rear of the server and unlock the side panel. Pull out on the cover release tab in the middle of the right side panel and push the side panel forward.

3. For the initial installation, it is recommended that you remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, just disconnect them temporarily.) After the operating system is starting without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure simplifies the installation process.

If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and plan to use it as the startup device, see Appendix A after completing 4.2 Setting Up the BIOS.

If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup, then proceed to 4.2 Setting Up the BIOS.

4. With a flat-blade screwdriver, remove the single screw that fastens the lower drive assembly (located toward the front of the system) to the system unit. Remove the entire assembly from the server by tilting it down 1 or 2 inches and pulling it away from the system unit.

5. The startup hard disk drive should be set to SCSI ID 0 (this is the default; no jumpers on the ID pins signifies ID 0). Refer to the hard disk drive documentation for more information on setting the SCSI ID and termination.

Note: Termination for the SCSI chain is provided by the SCSI Cable (part number 01K1501, FRU 01K1497). Do not terminate any SCSI devices attached to this SCSI cable.

6. Insert the startup hard disk drive into the bottom bay of the drive assembly circuit-side down and SCSI connector facing the screw slot. Use the screw kit supplied with the hard disk drive to mount it to the assembly.

7. Reinsert the drive assembly into the server by reversing the removal instructions from step 4.

8. Attach the last available connector (farthest from the controller) on the SCSI cable (part number 01K1501, FRU 01K1497) to the startup hard disk drive. Attach an available internal power connector to the SCSI hard disk drive.

9. Verify that the IDE cable (part number 01K1474, FRU 01K1475) runs from the integrated IDE controller to the CD-ROM drive located in the upper drive bay.

4.2 Setting Up the BIOS:
Note: This procedure assumes your machine is starting from the default settings (which can be selected from the Configuration/Setup main menu).

1. Power-on the system and press F1 to enter Configuration/Setup.

2. Select Date and Time and verify the settings; then, press Escape to return to the main menu.

3. Select Start Options; then, select Startup Sequence and verify that the First Startup Device at the top of the screen is set to Diskette Drive 0, the Second Startup Device is set to CD-ROM, and the Third Startup Device is set to Hard Disk 0. Press Escape twice to return to the main menu.

4. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, select ISA Legacy Resources; then, select the resource type you wish to reserve. Change the selected resource from Available to ISA Resource.

5. From the ISA Legacy Resources window, press Escape twice. Select Save Settings on the Configuration/Setup Utility window and press Enter twice; then, select Exit Setup and select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

6. The server will restart. If you receive a 162 Configuration Change has Occurred message during post, press Enter to select Continue; then, press Enter again. At the Diagnostic/Setup Utility window, press Escape; then, press Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

Note: If you have added the PC ServeRAID II adapter, see Appendix A for hard disk configuration and operating system installation instructions.

4.3 Configuring Hard Disk Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller
1. Start the server and press Ctrl+A when prompted.

2. Select which adapter you wish to configure.

Note: If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 2 through 8 for both channels.

3. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

4. Select SCSI Device Configuration.

5. For Device IDs of hard disk drives and other startable devices, make sure Send Start Unit Command is set to Yes.

6. Press Escape.

7. Select Advanced Configuration Options.

8. Set BIOS Support for Bootable CD-ROM to Disabled.

9. Press Escape twice, to confirm the changes you made.

10. Select SCSI Disk Utilities.

11. Format each hard disk drive individually by pressing Enter while it is highlighted, selecting Format Disk, and then pressing Yes twice. Formatting might take some time.

12. When all formatting is complete, exit the SCSISelect utility.

13. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition under 2 GB in size.

14. Insert Netfinity 3500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package diskette and type A:\UINSTALL (where A is the diskette drive letter).

15. Press Enter to accept A: as the Installation Source Drive.

16. Press Enter again at the Put Source Media in Drive A screen.

17. Highlight Install IDE CD-ROM DOS/Windows Support Package and press Enter.

18. Specify a target path and press Enter (C:\ is the default).

19. You will receive a Warning that the LASTDRIVE= statement in CONFIG.SYS might need to be altered. You might wish to review your CONFIG.SYS after UINSTALL is complete. Press Enter to continue.

20. You will receive a Warning that If you are using MS-DOS 6.2 or PC-DOS 6.3, you might need to install the DOS 6.2+ - Update for SMARTDRV/PhotoCD option. This package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

21. You will receive a Warning that Win 3.0+ - 32 Bit Disk Driver/Primary IDE Port might need to be installed. The package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

22. You will receive a Warning that Update for SMARTDRV 4.0 might need to be installed. This package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

23. You will receive a Warning that you must restart your server for the changes to take effect. Press Enter to continue.

24. Press F3 to return to a DOS prompt and remove the Netfinity 3500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package diskette from the diskette drive.

25. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C:. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them and save the file:

Note: The default drive letter for the CD-ROM drive is the first free drive letter under DOS (typically D:). To specify the CD-ROM drive letter explicitly, edit the C:\MSCDEX /D:IBMCD100 /M:12 line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT by adding /L:D at the end of the line, replacing D with the desired drive letter.

4.4 Running the NetWare 3.12 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller
1. Restart the server and at the DOS command prompt type MD SERVER.312 to create the SERVER.312 directory.

2. Change the directory path to SERVER.312 and insert the 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 and WIN NT, Diskette 1 of 2. Then, type:
COPY A:\NETWARE\V3_1X\*.DSK C: to copy the necessary SCSI device drivers.

3. If you will be using an Ethernet adapter in the server (including the integrated 10/100 Ethernet controller), download and create the LAN Drivers Patch (LANDR9.EXE) diskette. See Appendix B for instructions about installing patches. Insert the diskette containing the expanded patch into the diskette drive. Then type:
COPY A:\33SPEC\ETHERTSM to copy ETHERTSM.NLM to the SERVER.312 directory.

4. Copy over MSM31X.NLM and NBI31X.NLM by typing:
COPY A:\33SPEC\312\*.NLM C:.
These files are required by ETHERTSM.NLM for proper function.

5. Load the necessary LAN drivers for the integrated Ethernet controller. Insert the Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Diskette, Version 2.53 (part number 10L8829) in the diskette drive; then, at the DOS prompt type:
Remove the diskette from the diskette drive.

6. Insert the NetWare 3.12 Operating System CD into the CD-ROM drive X:. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter and type CD NETWARE.312\ENGLISH; then, press Enter. Next type INSTALL; then, press Enter to begin the installation.

7. Read the Ethernet Users Please Note: screen; then, press any key to continue.

8. From the Select an Installation Option screen, select Install new NetWare v3.12 and press Enter.

9. From the Disk Partition Options screen, select Retain current disk partitions and press Enter.

10 . Type the server name and press Enter.

11. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.

12. At the Copy server boot files to the DOS partition, insert the NetWare 3.12 License Diskette into the diskette drive and press Enter.

13. When the message The following drivers were found in the existing startup directory, but were not updated by the installation procedure appears, verify that the proper Diskette and LAN drivers are listed. For the integrated Adaptec controller, AIC7870.DSK will appear.

14. Select a locale configuration for the server by highlighting the options and pressing Enter. Press F10 when selection is complete.

15. Select DOS Filename format (recommended) unless you require long file name support; then, choose NetWare Filename Format. Refer to your NetWare documentation for more information on choosing a file name format.

16. Specify any special startup set commands by highlighting Yes and pressing Enter. Press F10 when finished. To continue without specifying any startup commands, highlight No and press Enter.

17. Choose whether or not to automatically load SERVER.EXE, and press Enter (Default is Yes). If you choose Yes, specify a path to the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter.

18. Load the necessary diskette drivers for the integrated Adaptec controller for creating Partitions and Volumes. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 and WIN NT, Diskette 1 of 2; then, at the server console type LOAD A:\NETWARE\V3_1X\AIC7870.DSK and press Enter. NetWare will automatically load ASPITRAN.DSK. Record the Supported Slot value that is printed (this will be necessary for editing the STARTUP.NCF file later); then, press Enter.

19. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive.

Note: If you replace the internal IDE CD-ROM drive with a SCSI CD-ROM drive or choose to install a SCSI CD-ROM drive in the upper 5.25 inch drive bay, you will need to load the proper device driver for ASPI support. Type LOAD C:\SERVER.312\ASPICD.DSK at the server console; then, press Enter.

20. At the server console, type LOAD INSTALL; then, press Enter to continue to install NetWare.

21. Highlight Disk Options and press Enter.

22. Select Partition Tables and press Enter.

23. If multiple hard drives are installed in the server, you will need to select a drive by highlighting the drive and pressing Enter.

24. Select Create NetWare Partition and press Enter.

25. Specify the Partition size by pressing Enter on the Partition Size field:, type the new partition size, and press Enter again. Next, specify Redirection Area size by pressing Enter on the Redirection Area: field, typing the new Redirection Area size, and pressing Enter again. Press Escape; then, press Enter when you have completed the Partition changes.

Note: Redirection Area may be set down to 0.5% in most situations without jeopardizing system reliability. Refer to your NetWare 3.12 documentation for further information.

26. Create one or more partitions of the necessary size. After you have completed all the changes, press Escape; then, press Enter.

27. Select Return to Previous Menu and press Enter when you created all the partitions.

28. Select Volume Options and press Enter.

29. Press Insert to create a new volume.

30. Press Enter while any item is highlighted to make modifications. The first volume is by default SYS, which you must accept. You may name any additional volumes any name. When you have completed all the changes, press Escape; then, press Enter.

31. Create additional volumes by repeating steps 29-30. When you have created all the volumes, press Escape.

32. Highlight System Options and press Enter.

33. Highlight Copy System and Public Files and press Enter. You will receive the message Volume SYS needs to be mounted before the selected action can be done (Press Escape To Continue), this is normal. Press Escape; then, press Enter to Mount Volume SYS.

34. Press F6 to specify the CD-ROM path.

35. Delete A:\; then, type X:\NETWARE.312\ENGLISH (where X:\ is the CD-ROM drive letter).

36. System and Public files are now copied to the SYS Volume. Press Escape when the File Upload Complete screen appears.

Note: If you are using the integrated Adaptec controller:
From the Available System Options screen, highlight Edit STARTUP.NCF file and press Enter.

Specify the path to STARTUP.NCF and press Enter. REMark out the load C:\SERVER.312\ASPICD.DSK statement. Press Escape; then, press Enter to save the changes.

37. Highlight Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file and press Enter.

38. Below the ipx internal net line, add the following:
load C:\SERVER.312\E100B.LAN

39. Below these lines, add any bind statements for Network Protocol support. These will vary depending upon which Network Protocols you choose to add to the server.

40. If you want your volumes to automatically mount when the server is started, include the statement MOUNT ALL as the very last line of the AUTOEXEC.NCF. Press Escape; then, press Enter to save the changes.

41. Press Escape to go back to the main menu; then, select EXIT. Select Yes to return to the server console.

42. At the server console, type DOWN and press Enter; then, press EXIT and Enter to down and exit the server.

43. Load the necessary disk drivers for the integrated Adaptec controller for creating Partitions and Volumes. Insert 7800 Family Manager Set for OS/2 and WIN NT, Diskette 1 of 2 Then, at the DOS prompt, type:
Remove the diskette from the diskette drive.

44. Restart the server by typing SERVER at the C:\SERVER.312 prompt.

45. Installation of Netware 3.12 base NOS is now complete. Continue to Appendix B to install the necessary patches to bring your NOS to a supported level.

46. If you plan to use the CD-ROM as a Volume in NetWare, comment out any lines in the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files that pertain to CD-ROM support. To comment out these lines, type REM at the beginning of each line.

Appendix A: Installing NetWare 3.12 Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter

A.1 Configuring Arrays Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
1. During initial startup, an error message similar to the following might appear:
Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay) (ONL:DDD:2:1)(ONL:DDD:2:2)

Identifiers for the following drives do not match configuration ...

Press F10, Exit without change, and startup the PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.40 (or later). Select Advanced Functions; then, select Init/View/Synchronize Config and finally select Initialize Configuration. Confirm the initialization request by selecting Yes.

2. After initializing is complete, exit to the main menu and select Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive.

3. Select Create Disk Array.

4. Use the arrow keys to select RDY drives for each new array. Press Enter on each highlighted drive to add it to the array.

5. Press Escape when finished selecting drives.

6. Select Define Logical Drive.

7. Select an array on which to define a drive.

8. Specify the RAID level for the new logical drive.

9. Specify size for the new logical drive, and confirm with a Yes.

10. A message stating that All logical drives must be INITIALIZED after being created appears, press Enter. Confirm the command to initialize the new logical drive with a Yes.

If a RAID-5 logical drive was defined, a message stating that All RAID-5 logical drives must be SYNCHRONIZED after initialization appears. Confirm the synchronization of the new logical drive with a Yes. The synchronization process will take place in the background. It is safe to continue the installation while this synchronization occurs. The synchronization
is designed to complete in the background while normal system operation takes place.

11. Escape to the main menu. Choose Advanced Functions, and then backup IPS ServeRAID Config.

12. Verify that the PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.40 (or later) is not write-protected.

13. A pop-up Config panel will appear. Type the file name where you wish to save the configuration, or press Enter to accept the default; then, select Yes to confirm.

14. Exit the utility, ignoring the message to back up the RAID configuration. Again confirm with a Yes.

15. Install DOS. Be sure to create a DOS partition under 2 GB in size.

16. After installing DOS, restart the server. If you receive a Virus Warning, this is normal. Select Change is expected.

17. Insert Netfinity 3500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package. Change to the DOS directory of the diskette and type UINSTALL.

18. Accept all the defaults for the installation program by pressing Enter four times.

19. Press Enter at the Warning that the LASTDRIVE= statement in CONFIG.SYS may need to be altered. You may wish to review your CONFIG.SYS after UINSTALL is complete.

20. You will receive a Warning that If you are using MS-DOS 6.2 or PC-DOS 6.3, you may need to install the "DOS 6.2+ - Update for SMARTDRV/PhotoCD" option. This package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

21. You will receive a Warning that Win 3.0+ - 32 Bit Disk Driver/Primary IDE Port may need to be installed. The package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

22. You will receive a Warning that Update for SMARTDRV 4.0 may need to be installed. This package is not necessary for this particular installation. Press Enter to continue.

23. Press Enter at the Warning that the system will need to reboot for changes to take effect; then, press F3 to exit UINSTALL utility. Remove the Netfinity 3500 IDE CD-ROM Support Package from the diskette drive.

24. Using a standard text editor, determine if the following lines are contained within the CONFIG.SYS on C:. If they are, type REM at the beginning of them and save the file:

Note: The default drive letter for the CD-ROM drive is D:, however, X: will be used in all of the following examples. To change this value, edit the C:\MSCDEX /D:ASPICD0 /M:12 /L:X line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT replacing the X in /L:X with the appropriate drive letter.

A.2 Running the NetWare 3.12 Installation Program Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
1. Restart the server and at the DOS command prompt type MD SERVER.312 to create the SERVER.312 directory.

2. Move to the SERVER.312 directory. Insert the PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette into the diskette drive and type A:\NETWARE\INSTALL to copy the necessary RAID and SCSI drivers to the directory for accessing the device.

3. If you will be using an Ethernet adapter in the server, (including the 10/100 Ethernet integrated in the server), download and create the LAN Drivers Patch (LANDR9.EXE) on a diskette by following the instructions in Appendix B. Insert the diskette containing the expanded patch into the diskette drive, and copy ETHERTSM.NLM to the SERVER.312 directory by typing:

4. If you will be using the integrated 10/100 Ethernet controller, insert the diskette labeled Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Disk, Version 2.53. Copy E100B.LAN from the diskette to the SERVER.312 directory by typing:

5. Next, copy over MSM31X.NLM and NBI31X.NLM by typing
COPY A:\33SPEC\312\*.NLM C:
These files are required by ETHERTSM.NLM for proper function.

6. Insert the NetWare 3.12 Operating System CD into the CD-ROM drive X:. Move to the CD-ROM drive letter and type:
Press Enter. Next, type INSTALL and press Enter to begin the installation.

7. Read the ETHERNET USERS PLEASE NOTE: screen; then, press any key to continue.

8. From the Select an Installation Option screen, select Install new NetWare v3.12 and press Enter.

9. From the Disk Partition Options screen, select Retain current disk partitions and press Enter.

10. Enter the Server name and press Enter.

11. Unless you have a specific method of setting internal IPX numbers, accept the default by pressing Enter.

12. At the Copy server boot files to the DOS partition, insert the NetWare 3.12 License Diskette into the diskette drive and press Enter.

13. When the message The following drivers were found in the existing startup directory, but were not updated by the installation procedure appears, verify that the proper Disk and LAN drivers are listed. For the PC ServeRAID II Adapter, no driver will appear.

14. Select a locale configuration for the server by highlighting the options and pressing Enter. Press F10 when selection is complete.

15. Select DOS Filename format (recommended) unless you require long file name support, then choose NetWare Filename Format (Refer to your NetWare documentation for more information on choosing a file name format).

16. You can add or delete any special startup set commands. To accept the given defaults, press Enter. If you choose to modify set commands, do so and press F10 to save and continue.

17. Choose whether or not to automatically load SERVER.EXE, and press Enter (Default is Yes). If you choose Yes, specify a path to the DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter.

18. To load the necessary patches and disk drivers for the PC ServeRAID II Adapter to create partitions and Volumes at the System Console type:
Press Enter; then, type:
Press Enter and press Enter again to select a slot option.

19. Continue the installation at step 19 of 4.4 Running the NetWare 3.12 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller.

Appendix B: Installing NetWare 3.12 Patches

B.1 Installing OS Patches for NetWare 3.12
(An except from INSTALL.TXT from 312PTB.EXE)
Download 312PTB.EXE (or later) patch kit and follow the following instructions.

Section 1 Installation method 1 using PATCH312.NLM.
To Copy files: Explode the patch kit to a diskette.

Note: The patch can also be copied onto a server Volume across the network and expanded Simply exchange A: for the directory containing the patch.
Place diskette in A: drive at the Server.

Load A:\PATCH312.NLM

Select COPY OS PATCHES TO SERVER and press Enter

Select source path as A:\ and press Enter

The following events will occur:
Patches will be copied
PM312 will be loaded
PMLOAD will scan the directory where the patch are & load them
A backup of The STARTUP.NCF file will made and then the STARTUP.NCF will be updated..

Note: When installing a patch kit using PATCH312.NLM, all files copied to the DOS partition will not retain the original file DATE and TIME. All files copied will obtain CURRENT DATE and TIME. However, the Modules console command will display correct DATE and TIME as well as version of the modules.

Down, Exit, and Restart the SERVER.EXE for the Patch to take effect.

Section 2 Installation method 2, manual coping of files.

B.2 Installing CLIB Update for NetWare 3.12
(an excerpt from INSTALL.TXT from LIB312.EXE)
1. Download the LIB312.EXE (or later) patch kit and follow the following the instructions below.

2. Flag old files to N.

3. Rename the old files with a .OLD extension.

4. Copy files to appropriate subdirectory. ( e.g. CLIB.NLM to SYS:SYSTEM, NWSNUT.MSG to SYS:SYSTEM\NLS\4\ ).

5. Flag copied files to RO SH.

6. To load the necessary patches each time the server boots, add the following line to the AUTOEXEC.NCF below the ipx internal net line:

7. Down, Exit, and Restart the SERVER.EXE for the Patches to take effect.

B.3 Installing LAN Drivers Update for NetWare 3.12
(an excerpt from INSTALL.TXT from LANDR9.EXE)
Download LANDR9.EXE (or later) patch kit and follow the following instructions.

This script file can be run in several ways:
1. From local A: Drive at Server.

2. From local Drive at Client using Rconsole (F4).

3. From local SYS: volume (F3), by specifying the path including volume name...ie SYS:\LANDRx.

4. From a different server on the network (F3) by specifying full path including server name...ie Server_Name\SYS:\LANDRx.

Note: Fastest installation in order of performance is: option 3, option 4, option 2, option 1.

1. Extract the file LANDR9.EXE to one of the above locations.

2. Save existing NBI, MSM, and TSM files in sys:system to sys:system\oldlan if they exist.

3. Copy ODI drivers and support modules to sys:system.

4. Save existing NBI, MSM, and TSM files on the boot drive to an oldlan subdirectory if they exist.

5. Copy NBI, MSM, and TSM files to the boot drive.

6. Copy *.lan and *.ldi to the boot drive if a file with the same name already exists there.

Note: If you receive the error message Warning: This version of NetWare does not support protected mode BIOS accesses. Without a loader patch some PCI drivers may fail, please reference Novell Knowledgebase item 2928426 for information on resolving this NetWare problem.

B.4 Installing CD-ROM Patch for NetWare 3.12
(an excerpt of CDUP5.TXT from the CDUP5.EXE).
1. Download CDUP5.EXE (or later) patch kit and follow the following instructions. Copy all of the files from the root directory of this kit to both the boot partition of your server and the SYS:SYSTEM directory.

2. Copy the NPAPATCH.NLM and PM312.NLM from the 3.12 subdirectory of the kit to the boot partition of the server.

Note: These new patch files supersede any previous versions. The old NPA312 module is no longer needed.

3. Modify your Startup.ncf file so that the VERY FIRST item loaded is the NPAPATCH.NLM. NPAPATCH.NLM is dependent on PM312.NLM and will attempt to auto-load the PM312.NLM file.

4. Because the latest CDROM.NLM is message enabled it must be loaded from the SYS volume and you MUST follow the instructions below carefully for your 3.12 server:

5. Search the SYS volume for files named CDROM.MSG and delete them. Using the NDIR command from the root is suggested. For example NDIR CDROM.MSG /s.

Note: If you experience problems with the server after loading this new NLM, make sure that the first search path is set to the location where the CDROM.NLM was loaded from. If you are still experiencing problems then log a call with Novell Technical Support.

6. IDE specific driver Load Order:
NetWare 3.12 STARTUP.NCF:
Load IDEATA port=1f0 int=14
Load After311

7. When IDEATA.HAM is loaded, it will scan for any attached devices. If a CD-ROM device is discovered, IDECD.CDM will be loaded. For hard drives, IDEHD.CDM is loaded.

8. Modify your AUTOEXEC.NCF file so that the last item loaded is CDROM.NLM.

B.5 Installing VREPAIR Update for NetWare
1. Download VRP386.EXE and run the file to extract it to a disk device.

2. Copy the VREPAIR.NLM over the existing VREPAIR.NLM on the SYS:SYSTEM partition.

3. Run as the prior module.

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