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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3NLRU6

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Servers - ECA012; (EMEA)

Applicable to: EMEA

To: Country Technical Support Managers, Country PSS managers, Regional managers, Business partners servicing
Server customers
cc: Help Centre, Greenock; Project office, Greenock; Level 2 Support, Greenock


- This is a "Fix on Contact" Engineering Change Action.
- It addresses replacement of certain Quantum Atlas 1Gb and 2Gb files shipped up to mid 1996.
- These may be present in Server 300, 320, 325, 330, 500, 520 or 720 systems.
- "Fix on contact" means you should run the check(s) when carrying out any other work on any of these models.
- If file replacement is indicated, you should offer to change the file but if the customer disagrees, do not insist.
- You may also, with the customer's consent, run the checks on Servers that are not having other work done.

You must download 2 diskettes before visiting your customer. The site is http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/files.html and the files are 05L2031.exe and 05L2032.exe. The README files of these diskettes contain important detailed instructions.

The following is an outline of the ECA; see also Document MCGN-3NLQG5 for the EMEA version of the RETAIN TIP (H057332.)

Reason for ECA: Some of these files have quality defects which could cause failure and data loss at any time (even if OK up to now). By warm-booting diskette 05L2031.exe, the servicer can quickly check which files need to be replaced.

IMPORTANT: In RAID 5 applications using the IBM ServeRaid card, some customers may not have initially synchronised the file array when setting up their system. Replacing a file in an unsynchronised array WILL CAUSE DATA CORRUPTION. If the customer is not sure, he or you must run a diskette 05L2032.exe to check the synchronisation, and must then run synchronisation if necessary. This is a customer responsibility and not chargeable to the ECA activity.

You should also advise customers that weekly "data scrubbing" is essential to keep their RAID data secure. A utility to schedule this is in Netfinity Manager 5.0 (supplied with Serverguide version 3.1 onwards). Customers with older versions of Serverguide can request a free update by faxing their name, mailing address, machine type/model/serial and a photocopy of their Serverguide licence or startup diskette, and stating whether the French version is required, to (44)-1475-555512 .

Full details on RAID synchronisation and "data scrubbing" are in a set of IBM "White Papers" on the Internet at:http://www3.pc.ibm.com/techinfo/d156.html - Understanding Hardfiles
http://www3.pc.ibm.com/techinfo/d136.html - Using IBM RAID adapters to avoid data loss
http://www3.pc.ibm.com/techinfo/d166.html - High availability using ServeRaid
http://www3.pc.ibm.com/techinfo/d142.html - High availability (with other IBM RAID adapters)

(to find technical bulletins of this type, at http://www3.pc.ibm.com/support , select SEARCH from the title bar, and enter "White Paper").

Parts: FBM kits have been prepared for this ECA; these contain a replacement file in a hotplug tray, instructions, an ECA-complete sticker to go on the back of the server, and an orange dot for placing on the removed file for returning it. It is important to return all the removed Atlas files, removed from trays, via the normal returns process, as IBM will be credited by Quantum for those returned.

Part numbers to order

Server Machine type/model

Tray type

ECA kit to order

8640 - ES0, ES2, ESS, EM2



8641 - MD0, MDV, MDE, MDL, BMD, ED0, EDV, ED1, EDE, EDL, BED, EE0, EE1, EEE, EEL, BEE,



8642 - 0E0,1E0, 2ES, 4ES, 1ER, 2ER, 4ER



all other 8640, 8641, 8642



- 8640 - PS0, PM0, PMW, PT0, PB0) are new and will not have these files.
- For non hotplug machines, remove the file from the tray.

The parts returned should be under the normal Quantum FRU part number: 1Gb 06H8560 or 2Gb 06H8561. They should have the tray (if any) removed, and the orange dot attached (supplied in the FBM kit).

How to Order ECA kits

Dealer: raise an emergency claim as normal but quoting ECA012 on the order form.

IBM CE: order using the Code B process.

The kits will be shipped directly from Greenock.

Note: if you discover a large requirement for these kits, please alert me immediately so that we can ensure adequate supply.

Ensure financial compensation for implementing this ECA:
- The time allowance where files are replaced is 2 hours plus 0.8 hours travel time.
- Dealers: Claim, and order parts, via the Warranty system, quoting ECA012.
- IBM CEs: Charge against Service Code 33, ECA012, Other Office 990.
- Return all removed Atlas files, removed from trays, via the normal warranty system, under FRU p/ns as above, with orange dot attached.

Please provide a monthly status of :
- Number of systems checked
- Number of files replaced
- Number of RAID5 systems where Synchronisation had not been done (or data scrubbing not scheduled).

Send this information
- via e-mail to chris_mcfadden @ uk.ibm.com
- or on Notes: Chris McFadden/UK/IBM @ IBMGB
- or on GNKVM(YTSN0282).

This is particularly important, as the extent of exposure to the synchronisation and data scrubbing is not well known.

Search Keywords

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300, PC Server 500, PC Server 720

Machine Type

8640, 8641, 8642


0N0; 0NJ; 0P0; 0PT; MD0; MDV; MDE; MDL; BMD; ED0; EDV; ED1; EDE; EDL; BED; EE0; EE1; EEE; EEL; BEE; 0E0; 1E0; 2ES; 4ES; 1ER; 2ER; 4ER


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes