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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38KBPA

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TP 760CD/LD/ELD/EL - Thick Models, HDD Errors/ Loose HDD

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
There have been reports of "thick" 760s (CD, LD, ELD, EL) displaying an error message "non-system disk" or "disk error" when turned on for the first time. On some of these systems the wire latch holding the hard disk drive is not firmly latched and the drive can unseat from the connector. Make sure the drive is reseated and the latch secured.

On the thick systems the hard drive latch can be difficult to secure, it may not be easy to put the latch in place using your fingers. Using a smaller "tool" such as the blunt end of a pen will make it easier to latch the wire bale. Future systems will be made to latch easier.

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Hint Category

Hard Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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