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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3H2HWJ

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G70 Monitors - Screen blinks intermittently

Applicable to: World-Wide

Intermittently, the screen may blank for about a second, and then return to normal operation.

Problem Isolation aids:
The monitor is running at 1024x768 resolution, at any number of colours, on any PC system. The refresh rate is 75Hz - this may have been explicitly selected in the video driver setup menu, or the Plug and Play DDC function in newer systems may have chosen this as a default. No other combination of resolution and refresh rate is affected.

Only certain batches of machines are affected. Please check the manufacturing date on the rear information label for the following :
Manufactured : December 1996 (x) to March 1997 (x) , these boxes carry the code 612 x to 703 x on the carton label, to the right of the machine type designation, where "x" is G, T or L. Boxes in these date ranges where "x" is (4) are not affected.

There are two timing standards in existence for this mode - industry VESA standard (as on all newer IBM PCs) and IBM XGA-2 standard (as used on older PS/2 systems). The G70 was programmed at the factory to recognise both of these modes, but some of the newer system graphics chips bring them into conflict.

This problem has been fixed in manufacturing by removal of the preset for the IBM XGA-2 standard mode.

Although the VESA mode is stored as a factory preset, and cannot be erased without special equipment, the XGA-2 timings were preloaded at the factory into a user adjustable mode. This can be overwritten by repeatedly storing user settings for a selection of modes. A file, G70FIX2.EXE, to assist in this is available as detailed below. Running this file will create a bootable fix disk which should be used in the PC to which the monitor is normally attached.

When booted, it will show a test pattern screen in a selection of modes. As each mode appears, one of the size or centering buttons on the monitor should be pressed to make a small adjustment to the mode, and then the settings should be saved by waiting for 5 seconds. Then proceed to the next mode screen and repeat the process until all modes have been adjusted.

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IBM Monitors

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