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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TRGDT

Netfinity 7000 - Installing Novell NetWare 4.1x SMP

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document provides information on installing NetWare 4.1x SMP on Netfinity 7000.

Note: Non-disk devices (e.g., CD-ROM, Tape) connected to a ServeRAID adapter must have unique SCSI-IDs even if they are connected to different SCSI channels. For example if you have a CD-ROM with SCSI-ID 6 connected to channel 1 and a tape drive connected to channel 2, the tape drive cannot have the same SCSI-ID 6.

ALSO, NetWare has a strict memory limitation. The maximum amount of memory that can be installed in the system is 3.25 GB. If more memory is installed in the system, it could cause server abends. The abends are fixed with the latest NetWare fixpack. However, no more than 3.25 GB is able to be utilized by the server.

1. Ensure that you have the following:

- Includes:
PC ServeRAID Configuration Disk v 2.23.16 or higher
PC ServeRAID Driver and Util Disk v2.23.16 or higher
System Configuration Disk v 3.61or higher

2. Flash the RAID firmware and BIOS on the ServeRAID adapter to the latest level by booting the IBM PC ServeRAID BIOS/Firmware disk and following the onscreen instructions.

3. Boot to System CD ROM, by placing the CD ROM in the CD ROM drive and then restarting the server. At the main menu, choose option: 1. Run System Configuration Utility (SCU)

4. When the SCU boots, choose option 3. Change Configuration Settings

5. Select Edit System Board Configuration.

6. Ensure that the MP Spec Version is set to 1.4, the Secondary I/O APIC is disabled, and the PIC Interrupt Routing is set to Route Interrupts through I/O APIC. Also, for other system management features, ensure that the System Management Mode is set to enable, SMM Time Stamp Source is set to Real-Time Clock, Event Logging is enabled, and PCI System Error Detection is disabled.

7. Exit back to the main menu.

8. Select 4. Save Configuration

9. Select step 6 to exit the program and to reboot the system.

10. Leave the system CD ROM in the CD ROM drive and boot to the main menu again.

11. From the main menu, choose option 3, Run ServeRAID configuration.

12. Select 4. Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive from the Main Menu and press Enter.

13. Select 3. Create Disk Array from the Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive menu. Select each drive you want to include in the array by using the Up Arrow key or the Down Arrow key to highlight the drive and then press Enter. As you select each drive, the state of that drive changes from RDY (Ready) to ONL (Online).

When you have selected all the drives you want to include in the array, press Esc.

14. Select 4. Define Logical Drive from the Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive menu and press Enter. Use the Up Arrow key or the Down Arrow key to select the array for the new logical drive; then press Enter. The Select RAID Level pop-up window appears, and the cursor is active in the window.
Highlight the RAID level you want to assign to the logical drive and press Enter. Type the size, in megabytes, that you want for the logical drive; then press Enter. The Confirm pop-up window appears asking you to confirm your action.

After completing the above steps when creating a logical drive, the utility will automatically prompt the user to Initialize and Synchronize the logical drive. The initialization and synchronization should be performed at this time.

Attention: When you select Yes in the Initialization Confirm pop-up window, information in the logical drive will be overwritten with zeros. All existing data is lost. Select Yes to confirm that you want to initialize the logical drive or drives. If you defined drives as RAID level 5, you must synchronize the drive before storing data. Select Yes to confirm that you want to synchronize the logical drive or drives.

15. After completing the Initialization and Synchronization, exit out of the RAID configuration program, reboot the server and start the installation process.

16. Install IBM PC DOS version 6.3. It is recommended that the DOS partition size is large enough to contain a full memory dump, plus approximately 25MB for DOS, drivers, and the portions of NetWare that will reside on the partition.

Memory size = 128MB Partition size = 150MB

17. After DOS is installed, install the IDE CD-ROM drivers using the drivers from the IBM Netfinity 7000 System CD.

18. Insert the Novell NetWare CD into the CD-ROM drive

19. For NetWare 4.11, type INSTALL from the root of the CD-ROM.

20. As a part of the install process NetWare will load and display the NetWare Server Installation screen and will prompt you: Choose the Server Drivers - Disk Driver

21. To install drivers from the Device Driver/Administration and Monitor diskette, press the Ins (Insert) key. A message will appear reminding that INSTALL.NLM will search the root directory of path A:. At this time modify the path to A:\NETWARE using the F3 key. Press the Enter key to continue.

22. You will be provided with a list of available drivers found on the floppy disk. Select the driver IPSRAID.HAM.

23. Follow NetWare instructions to complete the install.

24. Ensure that the latest NetWare fixpack is installed after completing the installation.

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IBM PC Server

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