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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MQUN-3TMMJB

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Servers - High Speed Parallel Port Problems

Applicable to: World-Wide

There are multiple symptoms that may be experienced with this situation. The following are three known symptoms:
1. System hangs during High Speed Parallel Port* operations while multi-tasking or while busy with display screen updates.
2. DMA arbitration time-outs (error code 01291300).
3. Internal Processing Error at location ##0160:FFF6015C -000D:A15C 60002, 9084, (when running OS/2).

The affected systems are:
Server 95/95A Models, 0PT, 0NT, 0NG, 3NG, 3PT, 3NT
* This system board also has a standard parallel port.

Problem Isolation Aids:
Use the "view configuration" function of the system main menu to note the DMA arbitration level of the high speed parallel port.

If you are experiencing any of the above problems, the following changes are recommended:
Assign the arbitration level for the High Speed Parallel Port to "Shared Level 7" (default setting).
If "Shared Level 6" has to be used for the High Speed Parallel Port, then the other Bus Masters' DMA Arbitration Levels should be assigned to either 8, A, C or E.

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IBM PC Server

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Server 95

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