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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3S2QFF

Servers - Madge 32-01 ATM adapter with NetWare 4.11 SMP

Applicable to: World-Wide

SMP operation under NetWare requires using Madge's 'thin' driver along with Novell's ATMODI software stack. Novell's stack is in their ATM support file ATMDRV01.EXE, which also contains vendor certified 'thin' ATM layer drivers. One of these vendors/drivers is the Madge 32-01. However, the Madge installation file madgeatm.ldi included with Novell's ATMDRV01.EXE code is the wrong version from Madge. Madgeatm.ldi has two 'typographical' errors which prevent the adapter from loading properly. The user can manually edit the file included with ATMDRV01.EXE, or substitute the madgeatm.ldi file contained in Madge's software release, which is on disk 8 of software version 1.2 release (atm12d8.exe).

To edit the file from ATMDRV01.EXE, go to the bottom of the file and change the first occurrence of "AP" to "AP1", and change the second occurrence of "AP" to "AP2". Save and exit the file. This allows the drivers to be properly loaded.

Note also, that the ELAN name contained in the load statement for the ELAN driver must be enclosed in double-quote marks, e.g. "elan name".

Search Keywords

ATM Adapter , NW 4.11, Madge

Hint Category

Configuration, NetWare

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IBM PC Server

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