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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3TMRE8

Netfinity 3500 - Installing Windows NT Server 3.51, NOT A SUPPORTED CONFIGURATION

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installing Windows NT Server 3.51 on an IBM Netfinity 3500
Revision Level: 2.0
Updated: 01/15/98

Supported Systems:
8644 -10U, 10X, 20U, 20X, 21U, 21X, 30U, 30X

The following instructions are intended to be followed sequentially unless the reader is specifically told to return to an earlier section or unless a heading does not apply. In some cases, the instructions mention screens or messages that may appear; do not expect that these screens or messages will always appear.

These instructions contain the following sections:
What you will need
Where to download drivers/files
Setting Up the Hardware
Setting Up the BIOS
Configuring Hard Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller
Running the Windows NT 3.51 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller

Appendix A:
Installing NT 3.51 Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
Configuring Arrays Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
Running the Windows NT 3.51 Installation Program Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter

Appendix B: Quick Install for Experienced Users

Appendix C: Installing S3 TRIO 64V+ Video Driver

Appendix D: Installing Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5

What you will need:
Flat head screw driver (to install hard disk drives)

Supported hard disk drives (Refer to http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your IBM Server.)

Licensed copy of Microsoft NT Server 3.51 and the installation diskettes.

Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Disk, Version 2.53 (part number 4306793) This diskette is shipped with the system or you can get file name 4306793.EXE from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see the next section for more information).

7800 Family Manager Set Disk 1 of 2 (part number 4306933) This diskette is shipped with the system or you can get file name 4306933.EXE from the IBM BBS or FTP site (see the next section for more information).

If you have added the PC ServeRAID II Adapter, you will need PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.23A (part number 4306765) or higher, and PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.23 (part number 4227013) or higher. These diskettes are shipped with the RAID Adapter or you can get the file names 05L1955.EXE and 4227013.EXE from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see the next section for more information).

Windows NT 3.51 Device Drivers for S3 TRIO 64V+ Diskette, V1.31.08 (part number 4306930). This diskette is shipped with the system or you can get file name 4306930.EXE from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see the next section for more information).

One blank diskette labeled Emergency Repair Diskette

Microsoft NT Server 3.51 Service Pack 5 (file name SP5_351I.EXE) This is available from Microsofts FTP site or Web site (see the next section for more information).

Where to download drivers/files
IBM BBS (U.S.) 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM US Web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

(For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com)

Microsoft FTP site: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/

Microsoft Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/support/

(For users who are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with Appendix B.)

Setting Up the Hardware
1. Extend the systems lateral base supports (feet) by turning them clockwise until they are perpendicular to the sides of the system unit.

2. Looking at the rear of the system, unlock the side access panel, pull out on the cover release tab in the middle of the right side panel, and push the panel forward to remove the side access panel.

3. For the initial installation, it is recommended that you remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, just disconnect them temporarily.) After the operating system is starting without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure simplifies the install process.

Note: If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and intend to use it as the startup device, see Appendix A after completing Setting Up the BIOS.

Note: If you intend to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup, then proceed to Setting Up the BIOS.

4. With a flat-head screw driver, remove the single screw that fastens the lower drive assembly (located toward the front of the system) to the system unit. Remove the entire assembly from the server by tilting it down 1-to-2 inches and pulling it away from the system unit.

5. The startup hard disk drive should be set to SCSI ID 0 (this is the default; no jumpers on the ID pins signifies ID 0). Refer to the hard disk drive documentation for more information on setting the SCSI ID and termination.

Note: Termination for the SCSI chain is provided by the SCSI Cable (part number 01K1501, FRU 01K1497). Do not terminate any SCSI devices attached to this SCSI cable.

6. Insert the startup hard disk drive into the bottom bay of the drive assembly circuit-side down and SCSI connector facing the screw slot. Use the screw kit supplied with the hard disk drive to mount it to the assembly.

7. Reinsert the drive assembly into the server by reversing the removal instructions from step 3.

8. Attach the last connector (farthest from the controller) of the SCSI cable (part nmber 01K1501, FRU 01K1497) to the startup hard disk drive. Attach an available internal power connector to the SCSI hard disk drive.

9. Verify that the IDE cable (part number 01K1474, FRU 01K1475) runs from the integrated IDE controller to the CD-ROM drive located in the upper drive bay.

Setting Up the BIOS
1. Power on the system and press F1 to enter Configuration/Setup.

2. Select Date and Time and verify the settings; then, press Escape to return to the main menu.

3. Select Start Options; then, select Startup Sequence and verify that:
The First Startup Device is set to Diskette Drive 0.
The Second Startup Device is set to CD-ROM.
The Third Startup Device is set to Hard Disk 0.
Press Escape twice to return to the main menu.

4. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources such as I/O ports or memory) reserved, choose ISA Legacy Resources and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from Available to ISA Resource.

5. From the ISA Legacy Resources window, press Escape and select Save Settings. Press Enter and then select Exit Setup. Press Escape and press Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

6. The server will restart. If you receive a 162 Configuration Change has Occurred message during POST, press Enter to select Continue; then, press Enter again. At the Diagnostic/Setup Utility window, press Escape and then press Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

Note: If you have added the PC ServeRAID II adapter into the server, see Appendix A for hard disk configuration and operating system installation instructions.

Configuring Hard Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller:
1. Start (boot) the server, by pressing Ctrl+A when prompted.

2. Select which adapter you wish to configure.

Note: If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 2 through 8 for both channels.

3. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

4. Select SCSI Device Configuration.

5. For Device IDs of hard disk drives and other startable (bootable) devices, set Send Start Unit Command to yes.

6. Press Escape.

7. Press Escape twice, confirming changes made. Select SCSI Disk Utilities.

8. Format each hard disk drive individually by pressing Enter while it is highlighted, selecting Format Disk; then, selecting Yes twice. Formatting may take some time.

9. When all formatting completes, exit the SCSISelect utility.

Running the Windows NT 3.51 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller
1. Insert the Windows NT Server 3.51 CD into the CD-ROM drive and the NT CD Boot Diskette #1 into the diskette drive.

2. Insert Windows NT Server Setup Disk #2 when prompted.

3. Press Enter at the Welcome to Setup screen to begin installation.

4. Press C to use the Custom Setup.

5. Press S twice to specify a mass storage media device.

6. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Set Disk 1 of 2 into the diskette drive, and press Enter on Other (Requires disk provided by a hardware manufacturer); then, press Enter again.

7. Accept Adaptec AHA-290x/291x/294x/394x/4944 or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller (NT 3.5x) by pressing Enter; then, press Enter again to continue.

8. Press S again and use the up arrow key to highlight IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2 ) PCI IDE Controller and press Enter.

9. Insert Windows NT Server Setup Disk #3 when prompted and press Enter.

10. If you have added additional Disk controllers, press S and follow the previous instructions for installing additional drivers, or press Enter twice.

11. Press C to continue the installation.

12. If you receive a message stating that Setup has determined that one or more of your hard disks has more than 1024 cylinders, press Enter and continue. Both the Adaptec 2940U/W and the PC ServeRAID II utilize extended DOS translation to accommodate this configuration.

13. Press Enter To install Windows NT from CD-ROM.

14. Press Enter at the No changes: the above list matches my computer screen.

15. Press C to create a partition; then, type its size and press Enter. The partition size should range between 300 MB and no greater than 2000 MB for file allocation table (FAT) partitions, and 300 MB and no greater than 4000 MB for NT file system (NTFS) partitions. It is recommended that the partition be at least 1000 MB if you plan on installing the full BackOffice Suite on the installation partition. Press Enter again to install to the specified partition.

16. Select FAT or NTFS file system and press Enter to format the installation partition.

17. Specify an installation directory and press Enter (the default is C:\WINNT35).

18. Press Enter to allow Setup to check your hard disk drive, or Escape to skip the examination.

19. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Set Diskette 1 of 2 into the diskette drive when prompted and press Enter.

20. Setup then copies files to your hard disk drive. Remove any diskettes from the diskette drive when prompted and press Enter to restart the server.

21. You will receive a Virus Warning message on restart, this is normal. Select Change is expected.

22. Type your name and company name and press Enter; then, verify your name and company name and press Enter again.

23. Type your Product ID and press Enter; then, verify your Product ID and press Enter again.

Note: The only way to change Server Type is to reinstall, so choose carefully. Server types include:
Primary Domain Controller (PDC): This server tracks changes made to accounts of all computers on the network. Only one is allowed per domain.
Backup Domain Controller (BDC): This server acts as a backup to the PDC. Multiple BDCs are allowed per domain.
Server: This is a server that serves as neither a PDC or BDC.

24. Select the Server Type and press Enter.

25. Read the Licensing information and click the I agree that: box; then, press Enter to continue.

26. Type your Computer Name and press Enter; then, verify your Computer Name and press Enter again.

27. Select a Language (Locale) and press Enter.

28. Unmark any tasks you do not wish Setup to do and press Enter. By default, all items will be configured.

29. Unmark any components you do not wish Setup to install and press Enter. By default, all items will be installed.

30. If you chose to install a local printer, you will need to do so now and press Enter to continue.

31. If you are using the integrated Ethernet Adapter, click Do Not Detect in the Network Adapter Card Detection screen; then, press Enter to install Network Adapter drivers. If you are not using the integrated Ethernet Adapter, install your adapter and continue to step 35.

32. Insert the Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Disk, Version 2.53, highlight <Other> Requires disk from manufacturer and press Enter.

33. Switch to the A:\ directory and press Enter.

34. Accept Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX or T4) and press Enter.

Note: You may receive a PCI Configuration Notification that states The system has not enabled bus mastering on the device. This is normal. Press Enter to continue.

35. At the Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX or T4) screen, select OK.

36. Select any network protocols you desire and press Enter.

37. At the Network Settings screen, add any additional software or configure any existing items as necessary and click OK.

38. Depending upon which protocols you install, you may now need to supply information to correctly configure them for installation.

39. If you chose to make the server a Primary or Backup Domain Controller, you must now specify which to make the server. Select a role and type the Domain name. If you chose Primary Domain Controller, press Enter to continue; then, type the Administrator Password twice and press Enter again. If you chose to make the machine a Backup Domain Controller, type the Administrator name and password for the Domain you wish to join and press Enter. If you chose to make the machine a Server, type the Domain and Administrator password for the Domain you wish to join and press Enter.

40. At the Virtual Memory screen, review the virtual memory setting and press Enter when finished making adjustments (It is recommended to use the defaults for Virtual Memory if at all possible).

41. If you chose to Set Up Applications earlier in the setup, Select a Path to search for applications and press Enter, or skip to step 42.

42. You may need to specify names for programs that Setup cannot name and press Enter. Select which programs to add and press Enter.

43. Set the Date, Local Time, and Time Zone and press Enter.

44. Setup will prompt you to choose a display mode. Click OK and then the Cancel button from the Display Settings screen to ignore this step for now. Refer to Appendix C to install the S3 TRIO 64V+ Driver.

45. Insert the diskette you labeled Emergency Repair Diskette into the diskette drive when prompted and press Enter to create an Emergency Repair Diskette.

46. Press Enter when the message Restart Computer appears.

47. Follow the instructions in Appendix C to install the S3 TRIO 64V+ Driver and then the instructions in Appendix D to install Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5.

Appendix A: Installing NT 3.51 Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter

Configuring Arrays Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
1. Upon initial startup, an error message similar to the following may be encountered:
Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay) (ONL:DDD:2:1)(ONL:DDD:2:2)
Identifiers for the following drives do not match configuration ...
Press F10 - Exit without change and restart the PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.40 or higher. Select Advanced Functions; then, select Init/View/Synchronize Config and finally Initialize Configuration. Confirm initialization request with a Yes.

2. After initializing, exit to the main menu and select Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive.

3. Select Create Disk Array.

4. Use the arrow keys to select RDY drives for each new array. Press Enter on each highlighted drive to add it to the array.

5. Press Escape when finished selecting drives.

6. Select Define Logical Drive.

7. Select an array to define a drive on.

8. Specify the raid level for the new logical drive.

9. Specify size for the new logical drive, and confirm with a Yes.

10. A message stating that All logical drives must be INITIALIZED after being created appears, press Enter. Confirm command to initialize the new logical drive with a Yes. If a RAID-5 logical drive was defined, a message stating that All RAID-5 logical drives must be SYNCHRONIZED after initialization appears. Confirm synchronization of the new logical drive with a Yes. The synchronization process may take several hours to complete per logical drive.

11. After synchronization, Escape to the main menu. Choose Advanced Functions and then backup IPS ServeRAID Config.

12. Verify that the PC ServeRAID Configuration Diskette, Version 2.23A (or higher) is not write-protected.

13. Type the file name where the Config is to be saved or press Enter to accept the default; then, respond Yes to confirm.

14. Exit the utility, ignoring the message to back up the RAID configuration, again confirming with a Yes.

Running the Windows NT 3.51 Installation Program Using the PC ServeRAID II Adapter
1. Insert the Windows NT Server 3.51 CD into the CD-ROM drive and the NT CD Boot Diskette #1 into the diskette drive.

2. When the message Setup is inspecting your computers hardware configuration appears, press F5.

3. When the message Setup could not determine the type of computer you have, or you have chosen to manually specify the computer type appears, highlight Standard PC and press Enter.

Note: If Setup prompts you to insert Windows NT Server Setup Disk #2 instead of prompting for a selection of a computer type, you must restart the server with NT CD Boot Diskette #1 and repeat steps 1 through 3. Be sure to press F5 as soon as the message Setup is inspecting your computers hardware configuration appears.

4. Insert Windows NT Server Setup Disk #2 when prompted.

5. Press Enter at the Welcome to Setup screen to begin installation.

6. Press C to use the Custom Setup.

7. Press S twice to specify a mass storage media device.

8. Insert the PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.23A (or higher) into the diskette drive, and press Enter on Other (Requires disk provided by a hardware manufacturer); then, press Enter again.

9. Accept IBM PC ServeRAID Adapter by pressing Enter; then, press Enter again to continue.

10. Press S again and use the up arrow key to highlight IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2 ) PCI IDE Controller and press Enter.

11. Insert Windows NT Server Setup Disk #3 when prompted and press Enter.

12. If you receive a messages stating that Setup has determined that one or more of your hard disks has more than 1024 cylinders, press Enter and continue. Both the Adaptec 2940U/W and the PC ServeRAID II utilize extended DOS translation to accommodate this configuration.

13. If you have added additional Disk controllers, press S and follow the previous instructions for installing additional drivers, or press Enter twice.

14. Press Enter To install Windows NT from CD-ROM.

15. Press C to continue installation.

16. Press Enter at the No changes: the above list matches my computer screen.

17. Press C to create a partition; then, type its size and press Enter. The partition size should range between 300 MB and no greater than 2000 MB for FAT partitions, and 300 MB and no greater than 4000 MB for NTFS partitions. It is recommended that the partition be at least 1000 MB if you plan on installing the full BackOffice Suite on the installation partition. Press Enter again to install to the specified partition.

18. Select FAT or NTFS file system and press Enter to format the installation partition.

19. Specify an installation directory and press Enter (the default is C:\WINNT).

20. Press Enter to allow Setup to check your hard disk drive, or Escape to skip the examination.

21. Insert the PC ServeRAID Device Driver and Utilities Diskette, Version 2.23A (or higher) into the diskette drive when prompted and press Enter.

22. Continue the installation with step 21 of Running the Windows NT 3.51 Installation Program with the Integrated SCSI Controller above.

Appendix B: Quick Install For Experienced Users
1. Set the jumpers on the hard disk drive so it is set to SCSI ID 0 and active termination is not enabled. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and intend to use it as the startup device and intend on using an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper setup.

2. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources such as I/O or memory) reserved, go into the BIOS settings and choose Plug and Play and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy.

3. Insert the Windows NT Server 3.51 CD into the CD-ROM drive and the NT CD Boot Diskette #1 into the diskette drive.

4. Install the Adaptec AHA-290x/291x/294x/394x/4944 or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller (NT 3.5x) off of the 7800 Family Manager Set Disk 1 of 2. If you have added the ServeRAID II adapter, install the IBM PC ServeRAID driver off of the IBM PC ServeRAID Drivers and Utilities Diskette for that device.

5. Use the Ethernet drivers that are shipped with the system for the on-board Ethernet 100/10 controller. Use Netfinity 3500 Ethernet 10/100 Disk, Version 2.53. The path to the driver is A:\WINNT.

6. Setup will prompt you to choose a display mode. Click the Cancel button from the Display Settings screen to ignore this step for now. Refer to Appendix C to install the S3 TRIO 64V+ Driver.

7. Install Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5.

Appendix C: Installing S3 TRIO 64V+ Video Driver
(An excerpt from Windows NT 3.51 Device Drivers for S3 TRIO 64V+ Diskette README.TXT)
1. Start the system with Windows NT 3.51 installed.

Note: When the Please select the operating system to start... message appears, select Windows NT Workstation, Version 3.51 ?VGA mode.

2. In the Main group, double-click on the Control Panel icon.

3. In the Control Panel, double-click on the Display icon.

4. In the Display Settings screen, click on the Change Display Type... button.

5. In the Display Type screen in the Adapter Type section, click on the Change... button.

6. In the Select Device screen, click on the Other... button.

7. Insert the new display driver diskette into the A: drive; then, click on the OK button.

8. When S3 Video Driver Update... appears in the list, select that line; then, click on the Install button.

9. If This operation will change your system configuration. Do you want to proceed anyway? appears, click on Yes.

10. If a message appears stating the driver is already installed on the system, do you want to use the current or new drivers, be sure to select the New button.

11. If prompted for the driver diskette a second time, click on the Continue button.

12. When the message The drivers were successfully installed appears, remove the display driver diskette; then, click on the OK button.

13. When the message The driver could not be started dynamically. Please restart Windows NT to run with the new driver appears, click on the OK button.

14. In the Display Settings Change screen, click on the Restart Now button.

Appendix D: Installing Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5
1. NT3.51 Service pack 5 must be obtained and expanded onto the Hard disk in a directory of your choosing. DO NOT run the UPDATE.EXE of the service pack. UPDATE.EXE of the service pack MUST always be run after running ADDCPU.EXE.

2. Power down the server and plug in the second processor (if you are upgrading to two processors).

3. Run ADDCPU.EXE. Do not restart the server.

4. Run UPDATE.EXE from SP5.

5. Restart the server.

Software Product:
EDOC Number:
Announce Date:
GA Date:
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Document Category

Windows NT

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Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500

Machine Type



10U; 10X; 20U; 20X; 21U; 21X; 30U; 30X


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes