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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3H5SBC

PC Server 325 - PC Server Rack Upgrade Option

Applicable to: World-Wide

PC Server Rack Upgrade Option:
P/N: 94G5695

Provides the necessary hardware and instructions to convert a PC Server 325 mini-tower model for installation into a rack cabinet. This Option contains rack mount slides, a modified cover that opens from the top, a new bezel and door, and a cable management arm. This Option is not required for the 8639-RS0.

PC Server Series 300 Mounting Plate:
P/N: 94G4996
Required to install PC Server 325 tower model in IBM 9306 PC Server Rack.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, Rack/Storage Enclosures

Machine Type

8639, 9306


ES0; ESV; 9QS; 9QX; 9TS; 9TX; 4QS; 4QX; 001


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