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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3U2KYM

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PS/2 - Software Preload Information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
Canary Refresh Backup Packs:
In view of the fact that the newly announced Canary Refresh product is preloaded with a new level of OS/2 v2.1, I believe that some of you may benefit from the following information.

OS2 v2.1 Backup Diskettes:
An OS/2 2.1 Backup Diskettes package may only be ordered for Backup/Restore purposes for a PS/2 system with OS/2 2.1 pre-installed. This version of OS/2 2.1 Backup Diskettes for PS/2 systems is available only through UPOS.

Language Part Number

Danish 93G4414
Dutch 93G4418
Finnish 93G4415
French 93G4410
German 93G4411
Italian 93G4412
Norwegian 93G4416
Portuguese 93G4419
Spanish 93G4413
Swedish 93G4417
UK English 93G4409

DOS 6.1/WINDOWS 3.1 Backup Diskettes:
A DOS 6.1/Windows 3.1 Backup Diskettes package may only be ordered for Backup/Restore purposes for a PS/2 system with DOS 6.1/Windows 3.1 pre-installed. This version of DOS 6.1/Windows 3.1 Backup Diskettes for PS/2 systems is available only through UPOS.

Language Part Number

Danish 93G4405
Dutch 93G4404
Finnish 93G4407
French 93G4399
German 93G4400
Italian 93G4401
Norwegian 93G4406
Portuguese 93G4408
Spanish 93G4402
Swedish 93G4403
UK English 93G4398

Some Information about the new code:
The preloaded OS/2 code is at the same level as the shrink-wrapped version 2.1 ( also known as G.A. level code ). The OS/2 Kernel level ( internal revision level ) is identical to the current G.A. level code. i.e. level 6.514 .

Please read ALL of the information provided in this file as it provides some very useful information with regards to re-installing software and backing up software.

Installing Diskette Version of OS/2:
If you choose to bakcup up the diskette images of OS/2 from your system and then decide to preform a diskette install, from the diskettes you have just created rather than from the PRELOAD partition, ensure you rename the file called OS2SE20.SRC to OS2SE20.OLD prior to installing OS/2 and then restore the file after the installation has finished. You will find this file in the root subdirectory on the PRELOAD partition.

Applying Service Packs:
Before applying any future service packs of OS/2, ensure that you rename the OS2SE20.SRC to OS2SE20.OLD before applying a service pack. After the Service Pack has been applied do not use the OS/2 files on the PRELOAD partition as they will be down level - however you can still boot into this partition.

Updating the PRELOAD image with a new version of OS/2:
This is written without the knowledge of how versions of OS/2 will be supplied, so backup first.

If you are applying a NEW version of OS/2 you should be able (if you have enough disk space on the PRELOAD partition) to recreate the OS/2 disk subdirectories for you to install from - rather than do it from the diskettes. You need to follow the following instructions to install the new version of OS/2 onto the PRELOAD partition. However, ensure you have at least 32 Meg free for the disk images. You can delete anything from the \IMAGES subdirectory to free the space up. However your are advised to back the other program up - just in case you want to use them in the future.

1. Remove all data and subdirectories from:
2. Get the tool that creates the OS/2 diskette subdirectories. This should be called SEIMAGE.EXE and should be in a bundle file called CID and will be on one of the new OS/2 diskettes. (Usually diskette 7).
3. Use the UNPACK tool on the new OS/2 diskettes to unpack the SEIMAGE.EXE tool from the 'CID' file. You must also unpack some other tools.
You might need to delete the existing UNPACK.EXE and UNPACK2.EXE programs in the \TOOLS subdirectory with the files that should be present on diskette 2.
4. Run the tool to take a copy of the diskettes and store them onto the PRELOAD partition.
SEIMAGE /S:A: /T:{drive}:\IMAGES\OS2
5. Replace the OS2SE20.SRC file. This should be put into the root directory and contain:

Creating Backup Diskettes:
a. OS/2
The software backup procedure only prompts the user to insert pre-formatted diskettes into the A: drive but does not inform the user how to label the diskettes. Some of the language versions of OS/2 come on 18 diskettes and some come on 19 diskettes. The following list shows how the diskettes should be labelled for both sets of diskettes and the next list shows which languages have corresponding number of diskettes.
Some PC's (eg 9557) require a special ABIOS.SYS file to enable you to install OS/2 from diskette. Please make sure that when you attempt to install OS/2 from diskette that you have made a copy of the reference partition before begining the install as these are required. Install OS/2, following all of the instructions until you have installed all of the OS/2 diskettes and you are shown a dialog called 'Advanced Options' select the 'Install Device Support Diskette' option. Put the Reference diskette into the A: drive and select the 'Install' button. A list of .DDP files will be displayed with only one option- choose that option, ABIOS.DDP. Then continue with the OS/2 install as per normal. The variations are due to the NLS translations.

18 Diskettes
No. Diskette Label

0 OS/2 Installation Diskette
1 Diskette 1
2 Diskette 2
3 Diskette 3
4 Diskette 4
5 Diskette 5
6 Diskette 6
7 Diskette 7
8 Diskette 8
9 Diskette 9
10 Diskette 10
11 Diskette 11
12 Diskette 12
13 Diskette 13
14 Display Driver Diskette 1 (DISP 1)
15 Display Driver Diskette 2 (DISP 2)
16 Printer Driver Diskette 1 (PMDD 1)
17 Printer Driver Diskette 2 (PMDD 2)

19 Diskettes
No. Diskette Label

0 OS/2 Installation Diskette
1 Diskette 1
2 Diskette 2
3 Diskette 3
4 Diskette 4
5 Diskette 5
6 Diskette 6
7 Diskette 7
8 Diskette 8
9 Diskette 9
10 Diskette 10
11 Diskette 11
12 Diskette 12
13 Diskette 13
14 Diskette 14
15 Display Driver Diskette 1 (DISP 1)
16 Display Driver Diskette 2 (DISP 2)
17 Printer Driver Diskette 1 (PMDD 1)
18 Printer Driver Diskette 2 (PMDD 2)

The following list shows which countries support which diskette set,

Country Code Number of Diskettes

031 18 Netherlands
033 19 France
034 19 Spain
039 19 Italy
044 18 UK
045 18 Denmark
046 18 Sweden
047 18 Norway
049 19 Germany
351 19 Portugal
358 19 Finland

If you want to create the backup diskettes whilst you have booted from the main OS/2 partition, open an OS/2 command prompt and change to the 'PRELOAD' partition (the D: drive if you have not created any other drives). Then type :-

b. MMPM/2
The software backup procedure only prompts the user to insert pre-formatted diskettes into the A: drive and does not inform the user how to label the diskettes. The MMPM/2 code will be copied to two diskettes.

c. Novell NetWare V2.01 (From Novell Netware v4.01 CD)
The software backup procedure only prompts the user to insert pre-formatted diskettes into the A: drive and does not inform the user how to label the diskettes. The NetWare code will be copied to three diskettes.
Make sure you take a copy of the Fixes present in the \IMAGES\FIX\NETWARE subdirectory. A readme file is present that will tell you how to apply the fixes.
No. Diskette Label
1 NetWare For OS/2 Diskette 1 of 2
2 NetWare For OS/2 Diskette 2 of 2
3 NetWare For OS/2 Network Drivers

d. System Information Tools (Version 2.1)
The software backup procedure only prompts the user to insert pre-formatted diskettes into the A: drive and does not inform the user how to label the diskettes. The System Information tool will be copied to one diskette.
No. Diskette Label
1 System Information Tool 1 of 1

e. Other Files and Fixes
The software backup procedure only prompts the user to insert pre-formatted diskettes into the A: drive and does not inform the user how to label the diskettes. The fixes will be copied to one diskette.
i. Novell NetWare Requester Fixes
Found in the \IMAGES\FIX\ subdirectory. These fixes are :-
ii. OS/2 Fixes
Found in the \IMAGES\FIX\ subdirectory. These fixes are :-
PJ09189 - Solve problems with M57's and having the hard disk configured the way the PRELOAD machine is configured.
CTRYFIX - After an OS/2 CID install fixes the country settings.

2. Power Management
If you have an IBM 952X display (eg: 9521, 9527, 9525 etc) attached to this system, then completing the following actions will result in enhanced front of screen quality and a greater selection of resolutions and colours available for use. This should also be completed if you intend installing the Advanced Power management drivers for those IBM displays.
a. Click on open space on OS/2 desktop with the right hand mouse button
b. Select the 'System Setup' option
c. Double click on the 'System' icon in the folder presented
d. When the 'System-Settings' notebook opens, change to page 2 of the 'Screen' section. This will display a window which identifies the display attached. If you have an IBM 952X display, this will show the following:
IBM 8514, 7554
Click on the tab to display a list of alternative monitors and select the IBM 952X display option to match the display you have attached. You will then have to re-start the system in order for the changes to take effect. This will then allow successful use of the Advanced Power Management drivers for the IBM 952X displays and also present a wider selection of resolutions, colours and refresh rates for selection if the resulting default mode is not the one desired. The drivers are in the \IMAGES\FIX\POWERMGT subdirectory.

Installing Products After Installing OS/2
If you only install OS/2 and have not deleted the 'PRELOAD' partition you can install and re-install the products from the PRELOAD partition directly onto another drive. However, ensure you have enough free space to contain the programs you are installing. With all of these techniques you can use the workplace shell to find the .EXE file and run it from the Workplace Shell.
a. Additional OS/2 components
OS/2 System->System Setup->Selective Install and select the components you wish to install. Follow the online help.

b. Novell NetWare Requester
Goto a Command line and type {drive}:\IMAGES\NETWARE\INSTALL and then follow the online instructions. If you are using the IBM LAN ethernet /A card then the drive HAS been copied to the \IMAGES\NETWARE\OS2 subdirectory, but it might not show up in the list, so just type it's name, IBMENIIO.SYS and it will be installed.

After the Novell NetWare Requester has been installed you *MUST* install the Novell NetWare Fixes.

c. MMPM/2
Goto a command line and type {drive}:\IMAGES\MMPM2\MINSTALL

d. System Information Tool (Installed as default)
To install the System Information Tool from the PRELOAD drive, where they are located in the \IMAGES\SYSINFO subdirectory to the \OS2\APPS subdirectory type the following,
Then 'Change...' the source subdirectory to D:\IMAGES\SYSINFO. Now 'Install...' the System Information Tool. Afterwards 'Exit' from the 'Device Driver Installation' tool. Unfortunately the System Information Icon does not appear on the desktop, you will have to do this yourself.

e. Installing Printer Drivers
Perform normal actions. When prompted to insert the printer driver disks in A:\. Change the A:\ prompt for {preload drive}:\IMAGES\OS2\PMDD_1 then hit enter and the system should find and install the drivers. If windows drivers are also required and you are prompted for the printer driver diskette again then enter the same subdirectory again. If you are asked for the second printer driver diskette then give the subdirectory of this - {preload drive}:\IMAGES\OS2\PMDD_2.

NetWare Support WPS Manipulation
There are known NetWare problems; these will be fixed in forth coming fixesfrom both Novell and IBM.

PRELOAD Install Problems
If you get an error:-
'Unknown Disk State VType:xx FSType:xx Status:xx'
Then this means that you have either changed the boot manager name of the partition in which OS/2 was installed onto, or the install failed for some reason. If the later contact your service representative noting the parameters given by the error. To see the boot manager names type:

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Preloaded Software

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