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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PFAN-3TXKDQ

TP 755CE/CSE/CD/CV/CDV/CX - Trouble shooting MWAVE problems in Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

All ThinkPad 755 systems came preloaded with Windows 3.X or OS/2. When the system is upgraded to Win95, here are a few common problems and solutions when dealing with Mwave issues.

Note: some models of the 755CX do not come with an MWave card. If your system does not have a built in modem, you do not have MWave.

How to proceed:
1. Check 'System Devices' under Device Manager for a 'Plug and Play BIOS' entry. If this entry does not exist, update the BIOS and Re-Install Windows 95 on the system. Click here to obtain the latest BIOS.

2. Check for an 'IBM Mwave DSP' entry under Device Manager. If this entry does not exist, reinstall the latest version of the MWave drivers. Click here to obtain the latest MWave drivers.

3. Check under the 'modem' entry in Device Manager, and see what Speed modem is listed. The most recent version of the Mwave drivers list the modem as a "ThinkPad 33.6 data fax VOD modem." If you have something else listed, install the latest MWave drivers using the link above.

4. Make sure Device manager agrees with what is in Thinkpad Setup. You will notice on ThinkPad 755 systems that you may have set the Mwave modem to COM2 in Thinkpad Setup, but it is on COM1 in device manager (this is common). At this point, do this:
a) Double click on the "IBM Mwave Communications Port (COM1)".
b) Click on the Resources Tab.
c) Take the check mark away from 'Use Automatic Settings'.
d) Use the pull-down menu to change from 'Basic configuration 0000' to 'Basic configuration 0001'.
e) Click OK at the bottom, and the port should now be "IBM Mwave Communications Port (COM2)".

5. If there is no sound, AND no modem check that C:\MWW\DLL is included in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the PATH= line.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CE/CSE, ThinkPad 755CX, ThinkPad 755CV, ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV

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