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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: MCGN-3X2HZD

PC Server 704 - Installing NetWare 4.11

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installation instructions for installing NetWare 4.11 on PC Server 704 RAID Servers

Supported systems: 8650-7AX, 6MM

NOTE: This document assumes that ServeRAID is the controller used for the install. If you have a Mylex adapter, refer to your user manual for defining the array (pack). Raid logical drive (system drive) sizes still apply.

Follow the NOS instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following:

1.0) What you will need
2.0) Where to download device drivers/files
3.0) Quick installation instructions for Experts
4.0) Detailed Installation Instructions:

4.1) Setting up the Hardware
4.2) Setting up the BIOS
4.3) Configuring the Adaptec SCSI subsystem
4.4) Installing the NOS

1.0) What you will need:
NOTE: Some machine hardware may require different disks from this list based on your CD-ROM type.

Current ServeRAID Option, Device Driver, Firmware/BIOS update disks instructions for downloading:

A) Go to the URL http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html The keyword is "ServeRAID".
B) Since ServeRAID drivers are updated frequently, download the appropriate latest drivers.

(For Mylex controllers, the keyword is "Server 704". Refer to the note at the top of this document)

IDECDROM.exe (419490 bytes, 10-02-96) IBM IDE CDROM driver diskette v1.45

4306979.exe (386309 bytes, 01-23-97) PC Server 704 configuration utility diskette version 3.61

10L8862.exe (761929 bytes, 12-19-97) PC Server 704 BIOS flash update diskette version 1.00.14

A Copy Of PC DOS 7 and a copy of Novell NetWare 4.11

2.0) Where to download device drivers/files
- IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001
- IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/
- IBM U.S. web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html
- For IBM PC sites in other countries, begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com
- Microsoft web site: http://www.microsoft.com/support/
- Microsoft FTP site: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0. Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users'. If not, continue with '4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions'.

3.0) Quick instructions
1) Set up a RAID array with an A0 RAID logical drive equivalent to the size of the installed RAM plus 50 Meg as the boot device. Set up another RAID logical for the remaining free space. Initialize and Synchronize.

2) FDISK the drive. Create an active primary partition on the A0 drive consisting of the entire drive and set it active. Create a 5 Meg primary on logical drive A1 (so that DOS will proceed with its install program).

3) Install PC DOS 7 (optional components not required). When complete, run "UINSTALL" from the DOS directory on the RAID Option Diskette (see section 2) for SCSI CD-ROM support, or "UINSTALL" from the root of the "IDECDROM.EXE" diskette for IDE CD-ROM support, depending on the 704 model.

4) Start the NetWare install from CD #1 by running "Install". RAID drivers are autodetected during the install which will not work. Deselect them and use the drivers from the current ServeRAID Device Driver diskette. Install NIC card drivers and optional components as usual.

5) It is mandatory to apply all fixes and patches from http://support.novell.com for correct operation.

4.0) Detailed instructions.
Follow the instructions below in sequence:

4.1) Setting up Hardware
Note: Follow the on screen directions on the following disk operations:

1) Boot to the BIOS upgrade diskette (listed in section 2) and flash the system to revision "14".
2) Boot to the RAID BIOS/Firmware upgrade diskette (listed in section 2) and flash the controller.
(Does not apply to Mylex Adapters.)

4.2) Setting up the 704 Hardware:
Running the System Configuration Utility (SCU) Diskette on the 704 Server:

1) Boot from the SCU Disk.

2) Select 1, Execute AMI SCU, then press enter at the logo screen.

3) Select Step 3, Change Configuration Settings.

4) Select System Board. Under "MP Spec Version" set to "MP Spec V1.4".

5) Press Esc to return to the Main Menu. Select Step 4, Save Configuration.

6) When the save is complete, Select Step 6, Exit. Press Enter at the next screen.

4.3) Setting up the ServeRAID SCSI Subsystem:
ServeRAID Setup Instructions (NetWare):

1) Boot to the current ServeRAID Configuration Utility Disk.

NOTE: The Utility, Device Driver, and other disks should be at the same revision level as was used to flash the Firmware/BIOS.

2) Select 4, Create/Delete/Copy LogDrive.

3) Select 3, Create Disk Array. Hit enter on each RDY drive intended to be in the array to bring it online.

4) Select 4, Define Logical Drive. Select array A and press Enter. Choose the desired RAID level. Do not accept free space for the size. Enter a size equivalent to the currently installed RAM, plus 50 Meg. Press any key to quick initialize. Press any key to quick Synchronize.

5) Repeat step 4 with the exception of accepting free space for the second RAID logical drive (A1).

6) It is recommended that you now perform a manual long Initialization and Synchronization from the appropriate menu selection. Otherwise press Esc to exit the utility.

NOTE: It is recommended that you create a RAID backup disk per the menu instructions after setting up your array.

NOTE: If ServeRAID I is installed, autosynchronization is not a feature and manual sync is recommended on a weekly basis. Firmware/BIOS flash disk 2.40 or higher is required to activate autosync on ServeRAID II cards. Always use the current levels on all ServeRAID disks and Firmware/BIOS.

4.4) Installing the NOS
1) Boot your PC DOS 7 installation disk. Select "Y" when asked if you wish to install.

2) When PC DOS asks you to partition the drive, select "Allocate some free hard disk space for PC DOS".

3) FDISK now starts. Select 1, "Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive" (Current fixed disk drive should be defaulted to "1"). Select 1, "Create Primary DOS Partition". When asked "Do you with to use the maximum available size..." enter "Y". Press Esc to return to the main FDISK screen.

4) Select 5, "Change Current Fixed Disk". Enter "2" for the drive number. Select 1, "Create DOS partition...". Select 1, "Create Primary DOS Partition". Enter "N" to the next question. Enter "5" for the size and press Enter. Press Esc twice to exit FDISK. System now reboots (leave the install disk in the diskette drive).

5) Repeat step 1. When the screen prompts, select "Format Partition". Repeat for drive "D:". After completion, press Enter at the "Welcome" screen. Hit "enter" again after verifying the date, time, etc.

6) A list is presented of optional components. Ensure all options say "NO" and the path to the DOS install target is "C:\DOS". Select "Continue Setup". Follow onscreen directions until DOS asks you to remove all disks and press any key to restart.

7) After booting to the C: prompt, type the following:


8) If you have a SCSI CD-ROM system, perform step "A", otherwise go to step "B"


Enter the date and time. Place the RAID Option Diskette in the diskette drive (see section 2). Type the following:


For the RAID Driver Installation Program, accept defaults for every question it asks (usually by pressing Enter). Press F3 at the final screen. You are now at the command prompt. Remove the diskette.

Press Ctrl Alt Delete to reboot. Go to step 9.


Enter the diskette "IDECDROM.EXE". Type A:\UINSTALL.

For the IDE CD-ROM Driver Installation Program, accept defaults for every question it asks (usually by pressing Enter). Press F3 at the final screen. You are now at the command prompt. Remove the diskette.

Press Ctrl Alt Delete to reboot.

9) After reboot, type the following at the c: prompt:


Enter the following lines at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file:


Press F4 to save and exit. Press Ctrl Alt Delete to reboot.

10) After reboot, place the NetWare 4.11 CD #1 in the CD-ROM drive and switch to the drive letter of the CD-ROM (it was echoed on boot when MSCDEX loaded). Type "INSTALL" and press Enter.

11) Select the English language. Press Enter repeatedly to view the liscence agreement. At the NetWare install screen, select "NetWare Server Installation". Select the "NetWare 4.11" product and press Enter. Choose "Simple Installation".

NOTE: A warning message appears concerning the size of the C: drive. Ignore it and "Continue Anyway".

12) Enter the desired ServerName. File copy now begins. When copying is complete, INSTALL.NLM is loaded. Select "yes" to install SMP features if your machine has multiple CPUs. Choose MPS14.PSM as the correct module to use. WARNING: Configuration of this spec in the SCU per section 4.2 must have already have been completed per instructions for the system to run properly. Review section 4.2 for details. INSTALL.NLM will autodetect the Adaptec, IDE, and ServeRAID drivers. The ServeRAID drivers will be incorrect. Following the on screen directions, deselect the IPSRAID.HAM driver detected and leave the other drivers as detected. Press "INS" to provide a manufacturer supplied diskette. Insert the current ServeRAID Device Driver disk and press Enter to scan. Accept the ServeRAID device driver listed. A copy operation will now prompt to back up and copy several files. Allow it to do so and follow the on screen directions.

13) Follow the on screen instructions to select the appropriate NIC driver. At this point the installation varies according to your choices for setting up the server. Follow the on screen directions to complete the install and for adding additional components and features.

NOTE: The current patch level for NetWare 4.11 is required for correct operation. Download all advertised patches and fixes from http://support.novell.com to complete the installation.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 704

Machine Type



7AX; 6MM


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