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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NHLS2

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TP 760 - YPTF, Timing fix for docked state

Applicable to: World-Wide

Information :

Just a reminder the 760 doesn't need the YPTF... timing fixes.

The 760 has the timing fix for the docked state built into the system, independent of BIOS version. The YPTF$030 was a onetime fix for the POP issue, as well as hanging in Dock-1 or2 immediately after POST. It's function is indeed built into the latest BIOS, but it is not for a timing issue.

for further information there's several notes in search manager on the subject:
Power on Passwords not accepted on Thinkpad 760xx with Dock and Bios 1.20 Dock Stations and Timing Issues.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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