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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3XGMUL

Servers - Unexpected reboot may occur with A.S.M.A. on some servers

Applicable to: Canada, United States

The System reboots itself for no visibly apparent reason.

All of the following must be true for this TIP to apply:

- The System is any model of the following Servers:
PC Server 310 Type 8639
PC Server 315 Type 8638
PC Server 320 Type 8640 (EISA)
PC Server 325 Type 8639
PC Server 330 Type 8640
PC Server 520 Type 8641 (EISA)
PC Server 704 Type 8650
PC Server 720 Type 8642
Netfinity 3000 server Type 8476
Netfinity 3500 server Type 8644
Netfinity 7000 server Type 8651

- The System is properly configured with a ASMA (Advanced Systems Management Adapter) Option p/n94G7578 (FRU p/n12J4743) or Option p/n94G5570 (FRU p/n76H3240).

- The ASMA Operating System Watchdog timer is enabled.

- The System is properly configured* to run any of the following operating Systems:
Windows NT version 3.51 or 4.0
Novell NetWare version 3.12, 4.0, 4.01, 4.11
OS/2 Warp version 3.0 or 4.0

* Proper configuration of the Advanced Systems Management Adapter is defined as the conformance to the "Adapter Installation Instructions" and the "Adapter and System Configuration" sections listed in the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Installation Instructions" booklet that ships with the Adapter Option and is also available online at the IBM Website (see step 1 in the FIX section of this document for URL and search directions).

The fix for this unexpected System reboot is made in the ASMA Ram Microcode AND the Device Drivers. The following describes how to implement updates to both to incorporate these fixes:

1- Prior to going onsite, download the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3" or higher from the IBM Website at the following URL:


- Select "Search"

- Type "Management Adapter 2.3" in the Keywords box

- Select the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3" to download.

The file is a self-extracting executable file that creates a diskette.

NOTE: To view the online copy of the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Installation Instructions use the keywords "Management Adapter Instructions", then select "Search". Select the file to view.

2- Update the ASMA RAM Microcode in one of the following ways:

Local Update(At the Server)*************************************

1. Boot to the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3 or higher.

2. Select the 3rd option "Update Service Processor" then press <enter>.

3. Follow instructions on the screen, when complete press <F3> to exit. Be sure to cycle power OFF, then ON after exiting to ensure changes will take effect.

Remote Update(Dialed-in to the ASMA from another computer)*****

Refer to page 38 of "Service Processor Manager for Netfinity User's Guide" to execute the following 4 steps.

1. On the machine that used to dial into the Server, copy the $80C5102.BIN from the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3 or higher to the NetWare directory.

2. Dial into the ASMA adapter and establish connection.

3. If the Server to be updated is up and running, access the "System Power Control" and select "Power off with O/S shutdown" (the system has to be OFF to apply the update).

4. Access "Configuration Information" and click on "Update Ram Microcode", follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: Completion of the Microcode Update will result in a disconnect of the remote connection to the Server requiring that a remote connection is re-established to remotely Power Up the Server.

It is recommended that the ASMA drivers are updated after upgrading the ASMA RAM Microcode (the ASMA Driver update may be done locally or remotely).

Local Update (at the Server):

For NT:

1. Open a MS-DOS Prompt.

2. Rename the existing driver and .DLL by typing the following:
rename c:\winnt\system32\ibmspw.dll ibmspw.aaa
rename c:\winnt\system32\drivers\ibmspw.sys ibmspw.bbb

3. Insert the "Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3 or higher into the Floppy Drive (A drive).

4. Install the new drivers by typing the following:
copy a:\nt\ibmspw.dll c:\winnt\system32\
copy a:\nt\ibmspw.sys c:\winnt\system32\drivers\

5. Shutdown and Restart the System.

6. Cleanup by deleting the ibmspw.aaa and ibmspw.bbb that were created in step 2.

For OS/2:

1. Open an OS/2 Window.

2. Rename the existing driver and .dll by typing the following:
rename c:\os2\ibmspo.sys ibmspo.aaa
rename c:\os2\dll\ibmspo.dll ibmspo.bbb

3. Insert the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette ver 2.3 or higher into the Floppy Drive (A drive).

4. Install the new drivers by typing the following:
copy a:\os2\ibmspo.dll c:\os2\dll\
copy a:\os2\ibmspo.sys c:\os2\

5. Shutdown and Restart the System.

6. Cleanup by deleting the ibmspo.aaa and ibmspo.bbb (that were created in step 2.).

For NetWare (requires local and remote access):

1. Login to the NetWare server from a client as Administrator.

2. Map a unused drive to the sys:\system directory

3. Replace the IBMSPN.NLM on the sys:\system drive with the IBMSPN.NLM located on the Advanced Systems Management Adapter Configuration Update Utility and Driver Diskette Ver 2.3 or higher.

4. Logout of the Server.

5. At the NetWare Server, down, exit, and restart the server.

NOTE: To Update NT and OS/2 remotely , establish a Netfinity-to-Netfinity connection. Then establish a remote session and start with Step 2 in the above instructions for NT and OS/2.

IBM has made changes to the microcode to make the Watchdog timers more robust. IBM has also made changes to the device drivers for NT, OS/2, and NetWare to improve how the drivers function within the Network Operating System. IBM recommends that you apply both updates to take full benefit of these changes.

NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

NetWare is a trademark of Novell, Inc.

PSY2, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8644, ASMA, REBOOT, P/N94G7578, P/N12J4743, P/N94G5570, P/N76H3240, OS/2, NT, NETWARE, DRIVERS, FIRMWARE, OS, WATCHDOG, TIMER, D/T8476, H164358

Search Keywords

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3000, Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000, PC Server 310, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720

Machine Type

8476, 8644, 8651, 8639, 8638, 8640, 8641, 8650, 8642




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A98/08/10