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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3PUHUN

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Aptiva - 2144/2168 (SL-H/I) Considerations: Flicker effect with IBM G40 monitor

Applicable to: World-Wide

A customer may notice a flicker effect when they attach an IBM G40 monitor to their Aptiva.

This is caused by DDC being turned on.

Response to the Customer:
The DDC setting of your monitor needs to be disabled. You can do this three ways. The first way is to use the keypad of your display. See your G40 UserĘs Manual for how to change the DDC setting. The second way is to not turn on your monitor before you turn on your system unit. The third way is to obtain an update for the BIOS of your machine. The BIOS update, MFLASH.EXE can be obtained via the IBM Bulletin Board at (919) 517-0001(http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/files.html).

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Hint Category

Display/Monitor, Video, Considerations

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2144, 2168


3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R5; M91; A10; A12; A14; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 5R1; 6R3; 5R2; 5R3; 6R4; 5R4; 6R0; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R5


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