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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3UPKV4

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PS/2 Server 85 - Sharing external SCSI DASD fails

Applicable to: World-Wide

External SCSI DASD expansion shared between two system fails when one of the systems is powered down.

Problem Isolation Aids
Systems affected : 9585 0N* MCA SCSI-2 Fast/Wide contoller card

On the 9585 0N* the trace on the solder (back) side of the planar running parallel below resistor R351 must be cut. On the SCSI-2 F/W controller the trace running next to C30 on the component side of the card must be cut. This trace runs from the fourth pin from the right on the bottom of the larger IC next to the external connector.

The decision has been made not to EC the planar due to the expected low instnaces of this problem.

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Hard Drives

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IBM PC Server

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Server 85

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