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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3G8VNK

Aptiva - Missing clip art files in Microsoft Works

Applicable to: United States

When you select 'Insert Clip Art there may only be a few files or categories showing. The 'artgalry.cag' file in the :\progra~1\common~1\micros~1\artgalry\:> directory maybe corrupt.

NOTE: This directory cannot be reinstalled from a CD-ROM.

1.) Go to a 'MS DOS' prompt by clicking on START>PROGRAMS>MS-DOS PROMPT or by shutting down and restarting your system in DOS mode.

2.) From the 'C:' prompt, type 'cd\progra~1\msworks\clipart' and press <Enter>.

3. Type 'copy msworks4.cag C:\progra~1\common~1\micros~1\artgalry\artgalry.cag' and press <Enter>. The system will ask you if you wish to 'overwrite', select 'Y'. This will replace the artgalry.cag file with MsWorks

4. Restart MS Works and verify that clip art shows numerous files and categories. IF NOT, continue.

5. Go to a MS DOS prompt. Type 'cd\proga~1\msworks\clipart' and press enter. Then type 'dir *.wmf' and press enter. This should list or show approximately 106 clip art files.

6. If there are only a few files showing, this directory will have to be restored by CD ROM.

7. Due to licensing restrictions, this Microsoft program can only be reinstalled by a complete recovery. The recovery process will erase the entire hard drive. Backup any information you need before performing the recovery

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Hint Category

Productivity Software

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2134, 2176, 2168, 2144


6R6; C21; C31; C32; 6R9; C31; F31; C6D; 8R6; 8R9; 9R4; 6R8; 7R1; 7R3; 7R6; 7R7; 7R9; 7RO; 8R1; 8R8; 9R2; 9R3; C23; C33; C35; C55; C56; C65; C66; C67; C6V; C6Y; C6Z; C73; C76; C77; F23; F33; F35; F67; 5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94



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