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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-42XRCL

DLT Tape Drives - Troubleshooting detached leaders

Applicable to: World-Wide

Troubleshooting of DLT drive leader detachment would include looking for the following.

  1. Inspect for broken or unseated/misaligned cartridge leader.
  2. Check cartridge for broken reel lock especially if it has been dropped. Reel locks should be visible through the holes (match against a known good cartridge), shake to detect any loose parts. Do not use the cartridge if either of the above conditions exist.
  3. Check floor spring of drive for correct type, loader version used in TableTop configuration leads to unbuckling problems. Floor spring is located at the rear of the receiver, beneath the floor plate and visible when cartridge is removed.
  4. Avoid very rapid insertion of cartridge.
  5. Check for broken or damaged take up leader: Mushroom shaped end must not be bent or visibly cut.
  6. Did the operator manually override the interposer to remove cartridge when it was not fully rewound. (i.e. excessive force to open handle when green "operate handle" LED was not on.
  7. Finger or other object inserted into the receiver area could dislodge the take up leader.
  8. Buckling mechanism spring broken if a cartridge does not eject.
  9. Buckling mechanism arm damaged.
  10. Motor failure, example Motor A (Supply) could have a seizure due to foreign object in the mechanism. This could rip the leaders apart.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM Options

Product Family

Tape Drives

Machine Type

20.x GB, 35.x GB


01K1174; 01K1320; 00K7900; 04K0149


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