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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3UEN5T

Aptiva-PS/1 - EMM386 Errors

Applicable to: United States

Occasionally, you may receive an EMM386 Exception error message (usually error #6 or error #12). This message can often be encountered when running DOS applications from Windows, but it can also occur with Windows applications as well.

While the error message may seem to indicate that there is a problem with EMM386.EXE, it is not the cause, nor is it necessarily related to the actual problem. Disabling the EMM386.EXE line in CONFIG.SYS may get rid of the error message, but it is very likely that you will get another error message or the system will hang when you try to run the DOS or Windows application program again.

The reason for getting the EMM386 Exception error message is due to the way Windows operates. When Windows starts up, it will turn off the memory management functions of EMM386, but the error handling functions of EMM386 are left installed. When a system error is detected, the error is passed to the EMM386 error handler to process and issue the error message. As a result, the error handler uses the EMM386 name when the message is written to the screen, thus shielding the actual program name that had the error.

There are other articles in the Answer Bank that describe some specific actions to take to resolve the EMM386 Exception Error #6 and Error #12 messages. There may be other EMM386 error messages that are not covered in the Answer Bank, however, and the remainder of this article describes some diagnostic techniques or workarounds that may help to resolve these problems.

1. The first step to take for messages other than those for Error #6 or Error #12 is to rerun the application. Sometimes, all that is needed is to get a fresh load of the application, which will then run normally and not encounter any errors.

2. If re-running the application does not fix the problem, then shut down Windows completely (press ALT-F4 in Program Manager or select File and Exit from the top menu bar in Program Manager) and then restart it. Try the application again to see if it will now run correctly.

3. If the above steps do not help, re-install the software. There is a possibility that one of the files for the failing program has become corrupted, and re-installing the software will provide fresh copies that will correct the problem.

4. If the application was downloaded from a BBS or online service, then download the program again and re-install it. Bad downloads can cause one or more files in the application to be incorrect or incomplete, leading to application errors.

5. Check the User's Guide or other documentation for the program to verify that you have followed all the necessary steps for installing the software. It is rather easy to skip a step that may turn out to be an important one, or there may be additional information included in the steps or later in the install section that might point to a likely problem area. In addition, check the System Requirements or Software Requirements to be sure your system meets or exceeds the requirements listed.

6. Check the User's Guide or other manuals to see if there are troubleshooting tips or if there is a chapter describing possible problems that might be encountered. Software companies often test their programs on a variety of systems and they may have experienced the same error on one or more systems. On occasion, there may be a conflict between the program and other software on the system.

7. If the software is being installed as a result of adding a new hardware device, check to be sure that any necessary hardware jumpers or switches are set correctly. In particular, look for information about address or IRQ settings.

8. If none of the above steps help with the problem, contact the manufacturer of the hardware or software for help. Often, the manufacturers will have had other users with the same problem and they may have been able to resolve the problem successfully.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x, Memory

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, Laptop L40, Notebook N33, Notebook N45, Notebook N51, PC 300, PC 700, PS/1, PS/2, PS/Note, ThinkPad 300, ThinkPad 340, ThinkPad 500, ThinkPad 700, ThinkPad 701, ValuePoint

Machine Type

2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155, 2168, 2134, 2176, 2144


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