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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3QHT3Y

ComCentral/ComCentral 33.6/FaxCentral - Number of messages not being displayed on SkyPager

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document applies to the following products:
FaxCentral (7852020)
ComCentral (7852031)
ComCentral 33.6 (7852032)

FaxCentral, ComCentral, and ComCentral 33.6 automatically puts a ## on the end of a string. For example; if the following string is used:

ComCentral dials:

The installation guide instructions you to manually put ## at the end when setting up the modem. If this is done ComCentral will dial:

This can cause a problem with the SkyPage service where the number of messages won't be displayed on the SkyPager. Using the above string as an example, if you put a "##" at the end , SkyPage will ignore everything after the identifier and thus will not display the number of messages received.

Note: The identifier is used to identify the individual's mailbox (which in the above example the identifier is 1234.)

Do not put ## at the end of the string when setting up the modem, as this is done automatically.

Keywords: OBI faxcentral comcentral skypage 7852020 7852031 7852032

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14.4K, 33.6K


7852020; 7852031; 7852032


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