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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3KJRHW

PCMCIA Modems - Unable to use configuration with CardWorks for DOS with Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

A PCMCIA Modem which has been enabled in "DOS MODE" via the CardWorks drivers cannot be used after Windows 95 starts. This is not the default configuration of CardWorks, but may be enabled so that a modem can be used with a DOS application when booting up to a command prompt.

Affected Systems: Only ThinkPad systems with CardWorks PCMCIA drivers for Windows 95. As of this date, only the ThinkPad 380/385 are included.

The CardWorks drivers can be configured to allow a PCMCIA modem to be used in DOS (such as after the CONFIG.SYS loads, but before starting Windows 95 as you might do if you selected to boot Windows 95 to "Command Prompt Only").

This is accomplished by changing the modem to "CardSoft Mode" (which requires undoing the REM statement:
GENMODEM.CLB file in the cardid.ini , AND Changing the NODOSMODEM=Yes statement in the same file to NODOSMODEM=No.

This allows the CardWorks drivers to load the modem and allow it to be used BEFORE Windows 95 loads. Since the modem is present and assigned to a COM port before Windows 95 starts, the Windows 95 CardSoft drivers do not re-initialize the card when Windows 95 starts. Therefore the modem cannot be used in Windows 95 when the NODOSMODEM statement has been changed to NODOSMODEM=No.

This is considered to be working as designed per SystemSoft. The NODOSMODEM parameter should not be changed to "NO" unless there is a specific requirement for modem support outside of Windows 95. If this support is needed, you will have to choose from a couple of work arounds.

1. Edit the cardid.ini file to activate the DOS modem only when needed to run the DOS app, then change it back for normal use (this would be appropriate for situations where the DOS app is infrequently used. )

2. When the card is removed and reinserted (after Windows 95 loads), it is re-initialized CardWorks activates it, Windows 95 sees that, and it works fine. Therefore, if the user needs to use the modem in DOS frequently, you can leave it set to enable the DOS Modem but will need to remove and reinsert the card after Windows 95 starts in order to use it. Alternately, you can use the CardWizard in Windows 95 to turn the power to the card off, then back on, and accomplish the same result.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Modems, PCMCIA (PC Card), Windows 95, Hardware Installation/Configuration

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