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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NGS3H

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TP 750,755 - Battery Conditioning Information 9545

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
A ThinkPad 750 series battery pack can obtain a "memory". This is a term that relates to a diminished charge capacity of the battery pack. It can occur if the battery is not fully discharged prior to beginning a charge cycle. A full discharge occurs when the system enters suspend mode because of a low battery charge.

The Fuel-Gauge program monitors the extent of the battery memory. After the battery has gone through 60 or more partial discharges a battery discharge prompt message will be displayed by the DOS, Windows, and OS/2 Fuel-Gauge Programs. The prompt can also be invoked manually by pressing the Fn and F2 function keys. Another way of accomplishing the discharge is to use the system until it goes into suspend mode.

The following procedures may have to be done more than once to bring the battery back to its full potential.

Fuel-Gauge Program for DOS: Pressing the Fn+F2 key combination allows the fuel-gauge display to appear at the top-right corner of the screen. When the AC adapter is used, the system prompts you to discharge the battery pack with an asterisk (*) next to the fuel-gauge message.
AC Charge * |

Fuel-Gauge Program for Windows and OS/2: Pressing the Fn+F2 key combination allows the fuel-gauge display to appear. When the AC adapter is used the system prompts you with the following message: "The battery pack requires discharging. To restore the battery to the best condition, press the discharging button."


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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS

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