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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3ANCF5

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PCServer500 - Warp video installation

Applicable to: World-Wide

During the installation of WARP (OS/2 V3.X), one of the required steps is to select the video support mode. When SVGA (Cirrus Logic) is selected for the Server 500, the OS/2 Desktop appears distorted.

Problem Isolation Aids:
1. The system is a Server 500 (8641).
2. SVGA Support Diskette, 41H6604 is being used.
3. OS/2 version 3.x0 (WARP) is the operating system.

If the symptoms described above are encountered, the following procedure should correct the problem:
1. Reboot the system. When OS/2 is rebooting, a solid rectangle followed by the letters "OS/2" appears in the upper left hand corner of the screen. At this time, depress and hold the ALT key and press F1.
2. When the next screen appears, press the V key. This will install VGA support.
3. When the desktop is reestablished, insert the SVGA Support Diskette in drive A.
4. At an OS/2 command prompt, type the following:

copy a:CLMODE.*

Then, press Enter or select OK.
5. After the files have been copied, remove the SVGA Support Diskette from drive A. This diskette should be kept with the other system diskettes in a safe place.
6. Open the System Setup folder.
7. Open the Selective Install folder.
8. At the System Configuration window, select Primary Display.
9. At the Display Driver Install window, select Cirrus Logic 5426, 5428, 5430, 5434; then press Enter or select OK.
10. At the System Configuration window, select OK.
11. At the OS/2 Setup and Installation window, press Enter or select Install.
12. Select the source drive and directory which contains the video drivers; select Install.
13. At the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility window, select Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program; then press Enter or select OK.
14. At the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility Location, type the following:

(assuming the copy in step 4 was to C:)


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Hint Category

OS/2, Video

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500

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