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Service Hints & Tips |
Document ID: PMYS-3PKR49 |
Aptiva - How to restore system files
Applicable to: World-Wide
Warning: This procedure will erase your present start-up files and replace them with a copies of ones based on the original configuration of the computer. This can adversely affect system settings and it may be necessary to re-install some programs. Due to these possibilities, it is generally recommended to make backups of the present system files. The method used to backup these files is as follows: (When typing commands, type in the characters between the quotation marks, not the marks themselves. They may be either upper or lower case). After any change to these system files it is necessary to restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
On a System with DOS/Windows 3.1:
Double-click on the 'DOS Tools' icon, then double-click on the 'DOS Prompt' icon. This will bring up a DOS window. Type in 'cd \' and press 'Enter'. This will bring you to an appropriate DOS prompt in the root directory.
On a System with Windows 95:
Click on 'Start'. Go to 'Programs' and click on 'MS-DOS Prompt'. This will open a DOS window. Type in 'cd \' and press 'Enter'. This will bring you to an appropriate DOS prompt in the root directory.
For Both Types of Systems:
To backup the system.ini: Type 'cd \windows' and press 'Enter'. Then type 'copy system.ini system.bak' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied'. If you do not, then go back, check spelling and retry.
To backup the win.ini: If still at 'C:\windows>', type 'copy win.ini win.bak' and press 'Enter'. (If you are not at 'C:\windows>,' first type 'cd\' and press 'Enter' key. Then type 'cd \windows' and press 'Enter', to get to the correct directory). You should see 'One file copied'. If you do not, then go back, check the spelling and retry.
To backup the config.sys: Type cd\ and press 'Enter.' Then type 'copy config.sys config.bak' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied'. If you do not then go back, check the spelling and retry.
To backup the autoexec.bat: Type cd\ and press 'Enter'. Then type 'copy autoexec.bat autoexec.bak' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied', if you do not then go back, check the spelling and retry.
The above procedures save a copy of each of these four system files with the consistent filename extension of .BAK. This will allow the original files to be viewed or restored as necessary.
Once the system files have been backed up, it is safe to replace them:
On a System with DOS/Windows 3.1:
From a DOS prompt, type 'cd \' and press 'Enter'.
To replace the system.ini: Type 'cd \ps1tools\winreset' and press 'Enter'.
Type 'copy system.i1 c:\windows\system.ini' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied', if you do not, then retry.
To replace the win.ini: If not at c:\ps1tools\winreset>, type 'cd \' and press 'Enter' key, then type 'cd \ps1tools\winreset' and press 'Enter'. When at c:\ps1tools\winreset>, proceed to next step.
Type 'copy win.i1 c:\windows\win.ini' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied', if you do not, then retry.
To replace the config.sys: Type 'cd \' and press 'Enter'. Then type 'copy c:\dos\config.sys c:\' and press 'Enter'. A message will ask you if you want to overwrite the file, type 'Y' for 'Yes' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied', if you do not, then retry.
To replace the autoexec.bat: Type 'copy c:\dos\autoexec.bat c:\' and press 'Enter'. A message will ask you if you want to overwrite the file, type 'Y' for 'Yes' and press 'Enter'. You should see 'One file copied', if you do not, then retry.
If successful copying the files, type "Exit' and press "Enter'. Then restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
On a System with Windows 95:
2136, 2137, 2138, 2161 & 2162 Series: Click on 'Start', go to 'Programs' and click on 'MS DOS Prompt'. This will bring up a DOS window. Insert the 'Product Recovery CD' that came with your system into the CD-ROM drive. Type in 'G:' and press 'Enter' then type 'cd \recovery\us' and press 'Enter'. The following procedure searches the compressed ZIP files on the Aptiva Recovery CD and expands the specified ones to your hard drive.
To replace the system.ini: Type 'restore windows\system.ini' and press 'Enter'. Make sure that there is a space between 'restore' and 'windows'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure. When the activity on the screen stops, left-click the 'X' at the top right of the 'Finished-restore' window.
To replace the win.ini: Type 'restore windows\win.ini' and press 'Enter'. Make sure that there is a space between 'restore' and 'windows'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure. When the activity on the screen stops, left-click the 'X' at the top right of the 'Finished-restore' window.
To replace the autoexec.bat: Type 'restore autoexec.bat' and press 'Enter'. Make sure that there is a space between 'restore' and 'autoexec.bat'.If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure. When the activity on the screen stops, left-click the 'X' at the top right of the 'Finished-restore' window.
To replace the config.sys: Type 'restore config.sys' and press 'Enter' Make sure that there is a space between 'restore' and 'config.sys'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure. When the activity on the screen stops, left-click the 'X' at the top right of the 'Finished-restore' window.
If successful restoring the files, restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
On a Windows 95 Systems:
2134, 2144, 2159, 2168, and 2176 Series: Before restoring files from the Aptiva Product Recovery CD, it is necessary that the program file, 'RESTORE.EXE' is in the root directory of C: on the hard drive. If this file is not found, it must first be downloaded from the IBM BBS; (919) 517-0001, or click here to download. The name of the file to download is APTRSTOR.EXE. This file is run from your hard drive which expands files to a floppy disc. Then in the A: directory, type GO, and the necessary files will be installed onto your hard drive. When it is determined that RESTORE.EXE is installed to the C: drive, continue to the next step.
Click on 'Start', go to 'Programs' and click on 'MS DOS Prompt'. This will bring up a DOS window. Insert the 'Product Recovery CD' that came with your system into the CD-ROM drive. Type in 'cd \' and press 'Enter'. The following procedure searches the compressed ZIP files on the Aptiva Recovery CD and expands the specified ones to your hard drive.
To replace the system.ini: Type 'Restore windows\system.ini' and press 'Enter'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure.
To replace the win.ini: Type 'Restore windows\win.ini' and press 'Enter'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure.
To replace the autoexec.bat: Type 'Restore autoexec.bat' and press 'Enter'. If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure.
To replace the config.sys: Type 'Restore config.sys' and press 'Enter' If you see the message 'Pkunzip (E11) No files found) then check spelling and retry the procedure.
If successful restoring the files, type 'Exit' and press 'Enter'. Then restart the computer for the changes to take effect.
2140 & 2142 Series:
1. Make sure your computer is turned ON.
2. Insert the IBM Aptiva Product Recovery CD ROM in your CD ROM drive.
3. Shut down the operating system and turn off your computer. Wait for the power light to turn OFF.
4. Turn ON your computer.
5. When you see the prompt "Do you wish to continue (Y/N)?" press "Y" and "Enter".
6. When you see the prompt "Do you accept these terms and conditions (Y/N)?" press "Y" and "Enter".
7. When you see the Aptiva Recovery Utilities main menu, select Recover Selected Files.
8. From the Recover Selected Files menu, select Specify a file or directory.
9. When you see the prompt "Specify the file or directory you wish to recover:" enter the full path and filename of the file(s) you wish to restore.
10. When you see the prompt "Is this correct (Y/N)?" press "Y".
11. When the activity on the screen is completed, remove CD and restart computer.
Search Keywords |
| |
Hint Category |
Windows 95 | |
Date Created |
08-12-97 | |
Last Updated |
12-06-98 | |
Revision Date |
09-06-99 | |
Brand |
IBM Aptiva | |
Product Family |
Aptiva | |
Machine Type |
2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176 | |
Model |
351; 353; 361; 440; 445; 446; 6R6; C21; J31; J3A; J3X; J51; J52; JDA; JSN; K01; K21; K22; K23; K31; K32; K52; L01; L21; L22; L23; L31; L32; L52; L6T; P01; P21; P22; P23; P31; P32; P52; E10; E11; E12; E13; E14; E15; E16; E20; E21; E22; E23; E24; E25; E26; E27; E30; E31; E32; E33; E34; E35; E36; E40; E42; E44; E45; E46; E54; E55; E56; E64; E65; E66; ED1; ED2; ED3; ED4; E02; E03; E04; E05; E06; E10; E11; E12; E13; E14; E15; E16; E17; E1F; E20; E21; E22; E23; E24; E25; E26; E27; E2F; E30; E31; E32; E33; E34; E35; E36; E37; E3F; E40; E41; E42; E43; E45; E46; E47; E4F; E50; E54; E64; E74; E84; E51; E53; E61; E63; E71; E73; EV1; EV3; EG1; EG3; E56; E5C; E76; E7C; E2H; E8F; E86; E8C; EL1; EK1; EL2; EK2; EL3; EK3; E80; E81; E82; E83; E48; E57; E58; EQ1; EQ2; EQ3; EV1; EV3; EV5; EG1; EG3; EG6; L17; L27; L31; L35; L37; L3F; L45; L47; L51; L5H; L61; L6D; L71; LG2; LQ1; LQ2; LQ3; LV2; SQ1; SQ2; S34; S35; S36; S44; S45; S46; S57; S61; S62; S67; S6F; S6H; S6S; SG1; SG2; SQ1; SQ2; SV1; SV2; M30; C30; 2R5; M31; C31; 3R4; M35; 2R7; M40; C40; 2R6; M41; C41; 3R5; M50; 2R8 M51; C51; 3R6; M52; 4R1; M53; C53; 4R2; M54; 4R7; M55; 2R9; M56; 3R3; M57; 3R1; M58; 4R8; M60; 3R0; M61; C61; 3R7; M62; 4R0; M63; 4R9; M70; 3R8; M71; 3R9; M72; 4R3; M91; 5R5; 900; 910; 911; 91W; 914; 921; 92W; 931; 93W; 932; 9W2; 934; 935; 937; 930; 941; 94W; 951; 95W; 964; 96W; LL1; LL2; LL3; LL4; LL5; LL6; X10; X20; X30; W30; X40; Y10; Y20; Y30; Y40; Z10; Z20; Z30; Z40; N30; N40; N41; N50; N51; N60; N61; N71; A10; A12; A14; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; C45; 120; 121; 123; 131; 132; 133; 141; 142; 152; 154; 161; 162; 163; 171; 172; 182; L11; L15; L16; K25; K26; L33; K33; L43; K43; L35; K35; L45; K45; KU5; L55; K55; L65; K65; L66; K66; U11; U15; U16; U33; U43; U35; U45; U55; U65; U66; X17; X27; X37; X47; Y17; Y27. Y37; Y47; Z17; Z27; Z37; Z47; S20; S50; S55; S65; S64; S74; S75; W37; W47; 13R; 14R; 15R; 16R; 17R; 18R; 19R; 20R; B60; B65; B75; B80; B85; B95; S64; S66; S74; S76; S78; S7H; S80; S90; 21R; 22R; 24R; 25R; 38R; 460; 461; 462; 471; C3D; C3E; C85; C8E; C8F; C8H; C8M; C8X; C9E; C9F; C9S; C9X; D34; D64; D84; E34 E64; E84; F34; F64; F84; G66; G76; H66; H76; J66; J76; L81; L91; M81; M91; N63; N64; N74; N81; N91; T71; T81; T84; T85; T8B; T8C; T8E; T8F; T94; T95; T9D; T9E; TAE; TAF; 28R; 29R; 30R; 31R; 33R; 35R; 37R; 41R; 54S; 56S; 57S; 58S; B86; B87; B97; D81; D91; E81; E91; G86; G96; G97; H86; H96; P81; P91; Q3C; Q81; Q91; S35; S3C; S8C; S8H; S9C; S9H; S9M; SIB; U81; U91; V86; V96; X8C; X9D; 352; 354; 355; 356; 357; 362; 363; 364; 372; 374; 381; 382; 384; 392; 442; 443; 447; 449; 454; 6R8; 6R9; 7R0; 7R1; 7R2; 7R3; 7R6; 7R7; 7R9; 8R1; 8R6; 8R8 ; 9R1; 9R2; 9R3; 9R4; 9R5; 9R6; C23; C31; C32; C33; C35; C3X; C53; C55; C5X; C65; C66; C67; C6B; C6D; C6E; C6V; C6X; C6Y; C6Z; C73; C77; C7X; F23; F31; F32; F33; F35; F67; F6B; H54; H55; H56; H5E; H5F; H64; H65; H6D; H6E; H6F; H7E; H7F; H7G; J33; J35; J3C; J3E; J3K; J3L; J3V; J3W; J3Y; J3Z; JCL; K53; J62; K74; L53; L62; P53; P62; T01; T33; T34; T62; T63; T65; T71; V34; V65; V71; W33; W55; W65; X01; X31; X33; X34; X52; X62; X63; X65; X71; Y01; Y04; Y31; Y33; Y34; Y52; Y62; Y63; Y65; Y71; Z01; Z31; Z33; Z34; Z52; Z62; Z63; Z65; Z71 | |
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