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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-389C2V

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TP 755CD/CDV - CD-ROM diskette v1.20

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
If you are experiencing one of the problems listed in the following Summary of Problem Fixes section, please follow your computer manual to update the drivers for your ThinkPad 755CD/CDV.

This diskette should not be used with OS/2 Warp. Instead the driver included with OS/2 Warp should be used. To obtain v1.20, click on the following icon :-

Summary of New Functions and Problem Fixes
Changed/Fixed Item
Note: n.nn Diskette Version (e.g. 1.20 Version 1.20)
(New) New function or enhancement

Released Version
Version 1.00 Sep. 30 1994 Initial Release
Version 1.10 Jan. 9 1995 2nd Release for - Corrective Services
Version 1.20 Apr. 21 1995 3rd Release for - Copyright Owner Change (No Corrective Services)

Changed/Fixed Item
DOS (and Windows) - Installation Program - 1.20 (New) Now the CD-ROM device driver (IBMTPCD.SYS) doesn't require /D (device name) and /P (port number) parameters, so the installation program won't add these parameters. (The default device name is TPCD001 and the port number is 170 for 755CD.) 1.20 (New) README.DOS is updated.

DOS Device Driver
1.10 If the diskette drive is replaced with the CD-ROM drive in suspend mode (warm-swap operation), the CD-ROM drive can't go into the sleep mode (can't save the battery life even if no access is detected). 1.10 Some CD-ROM titles which use 386 extended general registers (32 bit) don't work (e.g. Cyclemania, 'Under the Killing Moon'). 1.20 The copyright owner of CD-ROM device driver is changed from TEAC/IBM to IBM.

OS/2 2.11
- Installation Program -
1.20 (New) OS/2 Warp installation instruction from the OS/2 Warp CD-ROM package is added on README.OS2 (This is not OS/2 2.11 related thing, though).
- OS/2 2.11 Device Driver

Installation Notes for DOS (and Windows)
Don't use the installation program (UINSTALL.EXE) in the CD-ROM Diskette to update the CD-ROM device driver for DOS (and Windows). The UINSTALL.EXE will improperly change CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT if the CD-ROM device driver was already installed in the system and CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT were updated for the CD-ROM drive.

To update the CD-ROM device driver,
1. Turn on the computer; then go to the DOS prompt.
2. Insert the CD-ROM Diskette into the diskette drive.
3. Type C:, then press Enter.
4. Type CD CDROM (CD subdirectory where the IBMTPCD.SYS was installed before. Usually CDROM), then press Enter.
5. Type A:, then press Enter.
6. Type CD DOS, then press Enter.
7. Type COPY A:IBMTPCD.SYS C:, then press Enter.
8. Follow the instruction on the screen. (You don't have to change CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.)
9. After Overwrite IBMTPCD.SYS is complete, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and restart the system.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives

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Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV

Machine Type





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