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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39LL6W

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Servers - System Boot/Hang Failures With IBM (Adaptec) PCI SCSI-2

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
There are two basic failure symptoms which may occur as a result of incorrect setting of the "Reverse scan" option on the IBM (Adaptec) PCI 2940W SCSI Adapter.

1. The operating system may fail to boot.

This occurs when either:
A. An adapter that did not have the reverse scanning option enabled is replaced with a FRU or option adapter that has the reverse scanning option enabled.
B. When the reverse scanning option is enabled after the operating system has been installed to a disk while the reverse scanning option was disabled.
C. If the operating system is installed while the reverse scanning option is enabled, then the reverse scanning option is disabled at a later time.
2. System hangs during or after system boot.

This may occur because some operating system device drivers do not support the reverse scanning option. Even if the system boots with the reverse scanning option enabled, there may be problems accessing disks once the operating system is fully booted, or during the boot process.

This could also make it appear as if files or directories have been corrupted on some or all of the attached disks.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The SCSI adapter installed is the IBM (ADAPTEC AHA-2940W) PCI SCSI-2 F/W Adapter, FRU P/N06H8574.

IBM systems do not support the reverse scan option that is on the Adaptec AHA-2940W PCI SCSI-2 adapter.

When installing a system with an Adaptec 2940W card from IBM, follow the instructions as directed in the User's Handbook (Server 320, page 122) titled "Using the SCSISelect Utility Program" to check the for proper configuration, as follows:

1. Start the Server.
2. The SCSISelect prompt appears after the "IBM PC Server" screen appears briefly and then disappears.
3. Press Ctrl+A immediately after the SCSISelect prompt appears.
4. At the first screen select "Configure/View Host Adapter Setting".
5. Under "Additional Options" choose "Advanced Configuration Options".
6. Under "Advanced Configuration Options" Ensure that "Reverse Scan", "IBM Int13 Extensions", and "Boot from CD-ROM" are all disabled. (None of these should be enabled unless you know exactly what you are doing.)
7. Before saving and exiting "SCSISelect," you might want to check "SCSI Device Configuration" under "Additional Options" (on the screen that showed "Advanced Configuration Options). On this screen check to make sure that hard disk devices that
are installed on the SCSI bus show the proper settings such as "Send Start Unit Command" YES.

The AHA-2940/2940W User's Guide discusses the options on this and other screens.

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