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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3LCQ7M

IBM 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - Defined function keys not working

Applicable to: World-Wide

3153 function keys not working. Persons define function keys as: F1, F3 to F12, Insert, Home, Print, Page up, Page Down.

Background Information:
There are several factors that determine if the 3153 Function Keys (F1 to F12, Insert, Delete, Home, End, Page Up, Page Page Down, Print) work.

The ASCII/ANSI Emulation Selected:
IBM 3151, DEC VT200, DEC VT300, WYSE 50, WYSE 60. Each ASCII/ANSI emulation defines what ASCII character sequence is sent when a specific key or key combination.

3153 Setup Menus (F4-Kybd, F5-Keys, F12-Prog) Items:
- Return Key, Enter Key, New Line, Send Key, Print Key, Turnaround Character and others.
- The host operating system, host application or the user can re-define various 3153 keys.
- The host operating system, host application may not properly process a sequence. The host operating system, host application may have unique TERMDEF (Terminal Definition), TERMINFO (Terminal Information), or TERMCAP (Terminal Capabilities), KEY INPUT (Keyboard Input) tables.

Persons must know what the host operating system and host application require (Emulation, 3153 setup values).

Recommended Solution:
For 3153 attachment to RS/6000, recommend the following:
- Return Key = New Line
- Enter Key = Return
- New Line = <CR>
- Turnaround Character = <CR>
- Insert Character = SPACE

For 3153 attachment to AS/400, recommend the following:
- Return Key = New Line
- Send Key = Page
- Enter Key = Send
- New Line = <CR>
- Turnaround Character = <ETX>
- Insert Character = SPACE

Reference other TIPS:
- For F1, F3, F7, F8, F12, shift-F1 keys: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: F1 OR F3 OR F7 OR F8 OR F12
- For Insert key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: INSERT
- For Delete key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: DELETE
- For Print, Print Line key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: PRINT OR PRINT LINE
- For Enter key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: ENTER
- For Return key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: RETURN
- For Reset key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: RESET
- For Send or Send Line keys: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: SEND OR SEND LINE KEY
- For Page Up, Page Down keys: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN
- For Cursor (Arrow) Keys: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: CURSOR UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
- For Backspace Key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: BACKSPACE
- For End Key: 3153 KEY NOT WORKING: END

- Replacing keyboards will not correct 'Function Keys Not Working'. The 3153 setup parameters, host operating system and Host Application determine if and how many of the keys and key combinations are handled.
- The following steps/procedure can be used to determine that a key is working correctly and can be used to determine what the key sends (ASCII character/sequence) to the host.
- Enter 3153 setup menu.
- Set 'Comm Mode'='Half Duplex'
- Set 'Monitor Mode'='On'
- When a key is pressed, the 3153 displays the ASCII character/sequence that will be sent to the host.
- If a ASCII character/sequence is displays the keyboard is working correctly.

Keywords: D/T3153 3153 Function Keys Key Shift Ctrl Control Alt F1 F2 F3 F7 F8 F12 F24 Home End Page Up Down Print
Clear Insert Delete Return Enter Send Reset Cursor Arrow Up Down Left Right Numeric Keypad Backspace

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