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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3VHR2C

Rapid Access Keyboard - Tips on using the keyboard

Applicable to: AP-S, Canada, EMEA, United States

About the Rapid Access Keyboard:
The IBM Rapid Access Keyboard makes computing in Windows 95 more convenient than ever by providing quick access to your most commonly performed tasks. The keyboard provides 14 Rapid Access buttons that perform various tasks including accessing Windows 95 help, CD and audio controls, and Suspend mode.

Four of the buttons are customizable, so you can set them up to start your most commonly used applications or files. This allows you to go straight to a file or program with the press of a button instead of having to click an icon or search for a program in the Windows 95 Start menu. For example, if you frequently browse the Internet, you can set up one of the customizable buttons to launch your Web browser, or if you work on the same file often, you can set up another button to open that file.

Using Customizable Buttons:
To use the four customizable buttons:

1. Make sure that the customizable button is set up to do the function you want it to do.

2. Press the customizable button. This step will start the program or file associated with the button. Some programs, if previously started with a Rapid Access button, support a special feature: if the program is running but is minimized or in the background, pressing the button will bring it to the foreground. If the program is running in the active window and was started with the Rapid Access button, pressing the button will minimize the program. (Note: this feature will not work for all programs.)

Using the Suspend Button:
Press the Suspend button to switch your computer to its low-power state. The button will light up when the computer is in Suspend mode.

Press the Suspend button again when you are ready to use the computer. This will return the computer to its previous state.

Using the Help Button:
Press the Help button to start Windows 95 Help.

Using the CD and Audio Controls:
To use the CD and audio controls, follow the instructions below:

- To play the CD in your CD-ROM drive, press the Play CD button.
- To control your audio CD, press the Stop, Pause, Next, and Previous buttons.
- To increase the audio volume, press the Volume Up toggle switch. To decrease the audio volume, press the Volume Down toggle switch.
- To mute the sound on the computer, press the Mute button. The Mute light will blink to indicate that the sound has been muted. To turn the sound back on, press the Mute button again.

Using the CD and Audio Controls:
To use the CD and audio controls, follow the instructions below:
- To play the CD in your CD-ROM drive, press the Play CD button.
- To control your audio CD, press the Stop, Pause, Next, and Previous buttons.
- To increase the audio volume, press the Volume Up toggle switch. To decrease the audio volume, press the Volume Down toggle switch.
- To mute the sound on the computer, press the Mute button. The Mute light will blink to indicate that the sound has been muted. To turn the sound back on, press the Mute button again.

Arranging Your Work Area:
Your Rapid Access Keyboard will make working with your computer easier and more convenient than ever. When you arrange your computer, position your monitor and keyboard directly in front of you. Try to position the mouse to the side of the keyboard. The keyboard and mouse should be close to your body. Avoid reaching too far to use the keyboard and mouse.

If your computer has a tower, the tower is usually kept on the floor under or beside your desk. Be sure to place it in an area that will not block the space you need to put your legs under the work surface.

Remember to allow space in your work area for other items you might need such as reference books, document holders, notebooks, and diskette or CD-ROM holders.

Positioning the Keyboard:
- Make sure the keyboard height is comfortable for typing.
- When you type, keep your forearms parallel to the floor and relax your shoulders and upper arms. Your elbows should form a 90 degree angle.
- Type with a light touch, keeping your hands and fingers relaxed. Your wrists should also be straight.
- If you choose to use the wristrest that came with your keyboard, do not rest your hands on the wristrest or desktop while you are typing. Instead, use the wristrest only when resting. If you prefer not to use the wristrest, you may remove it and use the keyboard without it.

Positioning the Mouse:
- Position your mouse on the same surface as your keyboard so that they are at the same level. Allow enough space so that you can use your mouse without stretching or leaning over.
- When you use the mouse, hold it lightly with all your fingers and click gently. Move the mouse with your entire arm instead of only using your wrist.

Positioning the Monitor:
- Place the monitor at a comfortable viewing distance, usually 20 to 24 inches away. You can also use the length of your arm to determine a comfortable viewing distance.
- Adjust your monitor so the top of the screen is at, or slightly below, eye level.
- Keep the screen clean. For cleaning instructions, refer to the documentation that came with your monitor.
- If you place the monitor near a window, consider using curtains or blinds to minimize glare from sunlight. Also be sure to keep the monitor perpendicular to the windows to reduce glare when the curtains or blinds are open. Try to avoid placing the monitor directly in front of a window.
- Use dim room lighting. If you need more light on your work, you should position the light so it shines on your work surface but not onto the monitor screen.
- Use the monitor controls to adjust the screenÆs brightness and contrast levels to a comfortable level. You may have to do this more than once a day if the light in the room changes. For monitor control adjustment, refer to the documentation that came with your monitor.
- When your eyes focus on a specific object for a long period of time, they may become tired. If you spend a lot of time looking at your screen, remember to take frequent breaks. Look up periodically and focus on an object that is further away. This will give the muscles in your eyes a chance to relax.

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