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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3RYQKD

Server Options - Configuring SCSI Repeaters in the 3518 Enclosure

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H165084

A SCSI Repeater Card Option p/n94G7585 FRU p/n07L8624 is required when configuring any IBM External Enclosure type 3518 Model 001 or 002 with ANY of the following configurations on a single SCSI Channel:

- Supported external SCSI cable greater than 1 meter long.

- Daisy-Chaining of backplanes inside the 3518 so that the number of installed drives can exceed six (6).

- More than six (6) hard drives inside the 3518.

1- If attaching the 3518 to a Non-RAID Ultra-Wide SCSI Controller/Adapter, the ULTRA setting on the Controller/Adapter MUST BE DISABLED.

2- Ultra Speed is NOT supported on the 3518 Enclosure.

3- The MAXIMUM Configuration of a Single SCSI Channel WITHOUT a REPEATER in a 3518 Enclosure is:

- one (1) supported Hot-Swap Backplane.
- six (6) supported slim-high hard drives OR three (3) supported half-high hard drives.
- A single supported 1 meter external SCSI cable.
- Six (6) Half-High HDDs can be installed on a single channel without a repeater by daisy-chaining two backplanes.

4- The MAXIMUM Configuration of a Single SCSI Channel WITH REPEATER (Option p/n94G7585/FRU p/n07L8624) in a 3518 Enclosure is:

- two (2) supported Hot-Swap Backplanes (daisy-chained).
- twelve (12) supported slim-high hard drives (six (6) per Backplane).
- A single supported 4.3 Meter external SCSI cable.

---------------- OR --------------------------------

- three (3) supported Hot-Swap Backplanes (daisy-chained).
- nine (9) supported half-high hard drives (three (3) per Backplane).
- A single supported 4.3 meter external SCSI cable

NOTE: Daisy-chaining Backplanes in the 3518 requires that the 3518 is connected to any of the following Adapters / Controllers:

- ServeRAID Adapter
- ServeRAID II Adapter / Controller
- PCI Ultra Wide SCSI Adapter / Controller

See the following IBM Website URL for 3518 System Compatibility and Hardware Prerequisites:


PSY2, D/T3518, PSY2DASD, UNCLASSIFIED, D/T8638, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8660, D/T8680, PCSERVER, NETFINITY, DASD

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Configuration, Retain

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IBM PC Server

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Rack/Storage Enclosures

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Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

This is a replacement of Retain Tip H162824, per Bruce Powers.
Date last altered: A98/10/30