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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: BBOD-3JSMED

TP 380,385 - Auto 16/4 Token Ring card point enabler fails when using a port replicator

Applicable to: World-Wide

Attempting to configure an Auto 16/4 PCMCIA Token Ring using the Point Enabler in the 380/385 Port Replicator with a DOS / Windows environment fails.

POINTTR.EXE works fine on the slots on the ThinkPad 380/385, but fails in the Port Replicator even when the usual "PCIC=03E2" parameter is added - The
error message is "The PC Card detected is not a Token Ring Card.....".

The Primary PCMCIA controller in 380/385 uses I/O range 03E0-03E3, thus the secondary controller takes 03E4-03E5. The POINTTR line in config.sys must have PCIC=03E4 added to specify the base I/O address of the controller on which it can find the card. This is
a new value based on the different address of the controller on 380.

POINTTR now has three options for the address of the PCIC that controls the card to be enabled:

The default and base address of the controllers installed in all IBM ThinkPad machines - this requires no switches on the POINTTR line.

The address of the secondary controller found in the Port Replicator Model 1 (used with 360/75X/76X systems), Dock-2, and SelectADock 1 and 2.
This requires the parameter PCIC=03E2 to be on the POINTTR.EXE line in config.sys. (note that the first or top slot on the dock/port rep is slot A, NOT C)

This is the address of the secondary controller in the Port Replicator for ThinkPad 380/385. This requires PCIC=03E4 on the POINTTR line on config.
The slot nearest the power cord plug is Slot A, the other B.

Search Keywords

DOS, IBM Adapter Cards, Token Ring, Windows

Hint Category

Docking/Port Replicators, Networking

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD

Machine Type





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