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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3PCNNJ

Servers - IBM ConfigXprt

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM ConfigXprt is the PC CompanyÆs new configurator application for Windows or Win-OS/2. ConfigXprt allows you to quickly become an expert at configurations by helping you to easily design systems to meet your customerÆs specific needs.

ConfigXprt can help you
Create and verify IBM Netfinity and IBM PC Server configurations from scratch by selecting desired elements from
product menus.

Record and manage customer information as independent entries or in association with a specific quote.

Create customised quotes to include in your proposals, including your own services offerings and hardware offerings
for a total solution.

Export ConfigXprt output into the most popular word processing applications, spreadsheet programs and some other
configuration programs.

To run IBM ConfigXprt, your computer must have the following hardware and software
A 486 or higher processor, 12 MB of minimum memory; 24 MB recommended. One of the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 or higher, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT, IBM Operating System (OS/2) Version 3.0 or higher. Minimum of 15 MB available on hard drive. (Additional space required for swapper file and storage of saved configurations--amount dependent on system setup). Ensure that your computer meets these requirements before you begin the installation.

IBM ConfigXprt will be updated regularly to reflect new products. These update files can be easily plugged into
your existing ConfigXprt software.

IBM Customers and IBM representatives can download the ConfigXprt program and weekly updates from the URL:

Dealers can find ConfigXprt on the Partner WEB Site, http://www.partner.us.pc.ibm.com.

Search Keywords

configurator, tool

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IBM PC Server

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