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Document ID: EHET-45L4VY

Ispirati 400 - Re-installing the original software on 2623 models preloaded Windows 95

Applicable to: Canada

How do I reload the original software on my Ispirati models 2623 preloaded with windows95

Follow the steps below.


If you follow the steps below, you will lose all your data and program files. The hard drive will no longer contain any personal information. If you have important files you wish to keep, please save them before going any further.

For this operation you will need:
* The Windows 95 Startup disk
* The Windows 95 CD and the Certificate of Authenticity
* The Driver & Utility disk
* The Modem Driver disk

To reload Windows 95:

1.Insert the Windows 95 startup disk and then start the computer.
2.At the A:\ prompt, insert the Windows 95 CD.
3.Type the word FDISK and press Enter.
4.At the Question: Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N) ? , Press Y and then Enter.
5.At the Fdisk Option screen , Choose Option 3 and press Enter.
6.Choose Option 1 (Delete Primary DOS Partition) and press Enter.
7.When the Warning flashes on the screen, press Enter to delete the C partition.
8.At "Enter Volume Label" , enter the Volume Label shown in the center at the top of the screen, if there is none there, press Enter.
9.At the Are You sure Question, Press Y and Enter.
10.Press ESC to continue.
11.At the Fdisk Option, Choose 1 and press Enter (Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive).
12.Choose 1 again and press Enter.
13.At the Question : "Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS partition and make the Partition active ?", Press the Enter Key.
14.Press the ESC key to exit Fdisk menu, press the ESC key again at the A:\ prompt, then restart your computer by using the on/off switch.
15.At the A:\ prompt type: format c: /u and then press Enter.
16.When it asks you to confirm the formatting Press the Y and the Enter key.
17.When asked for a volume label just press Enter.
18.Then at the A:\ prompt type G:\ and press Enter.
19.At the G:\ prompt, type setup and press Enter.
20.Then press the Enter key to continue.
21.At this point the mouse will work, you can then click on continue.
22.Click on Yes to accept the software agreement.
23.Click on Next to start collecting information about the hardware installed in you computer.
24.Click on Next to install Windows 95 on the default directory.
25.Click on Next for a typical installation.
26.Enter the software registration number found on the cover page of your Windows 95 guide.
27.Then click on Next.
28.Enter your Name and Company (Company optional) and click on Next.
29.At analyzing your computer, Click on Next.
30.Click on Next to install the most common components.
31.Click on NO I DO NOT WANT A START-UP DISK, then click Next.
32.Click on Next to start copying files to your hard drive.
33.Remove the start-up disk from the A:\ drive.
34.Click on Finish to restart the computer.
35.When it asks you to insert the Windows 95 disk 12 , click OK.
36.When you see the error with the filename of MSJSTICK.DRV click on Skip Files twice.
37.At the Date/Time Properties, click on the highlighted section and choose the appropriate time zone to where you live.
38.Click on Cancel at the install the printer prompt. You will install your printer after the installation of Windows 95.
39.Click OK to restart your computer.
40.Windows 95 is now installed on your computer.

Installing the Video Adapter

1.Click on Start, Settings, and then Control Panel.
2.Find the Display Icon and Double Click on it.
3.Click on the Settings tab.
4.Click on Advanced Properties.
5.Click on the Change button.
6.Click on Have Disk.
7.Here you will insert the disk labeled Driver & Utility into the A drive.
8.Click on Browse.
9.In the folder section, double click on Win95.
10.Then double click on VGA
11.Click on OK three times. At this point it should be copying files.
12.Click on Close.
13.Click on Close again.
14.Remove the Driver Utility diskette.
15.Click on Yes to restart your computer.
16.Your Video Adapter drivers are now install.

Installing the Sound Drivers

1.Click on Start, Settings and Control Panel.
2.Double click on the System icon and then click on the Device Manager tab.
3.In the list, find OTHER DEVICES and click on the + sign.
4.Click on Unknown Device Once and then click on the Remove button.
5.Say OK to confirm the device removal.
6.Repeat these above 3 steps to remove the Game port Joystick in the Sounds and Game controllers section.
7.Click on the Close button.
8.At this point you must restart your computer. Click on Start, Shutdown and choose Restart your Computer and click Yes.
9.When Windows reboots you will get a Update Device Driver Wizard.
10.Insert the Driver & Utility disk and the Windows 95 CD and click on Next.
11.Windows 95 will not be able to locate the driver. Please click on Other Locations.
12.Type A:\WIN95\XPAUDIO and click on OK.
13.Windows 95 will find the following update driver: XpressAUDIO(TM) 16-Bit sound. Click on Finish.
14.At the insert disk notification, click OK.
15.At copy files from, type again: A:\WIN95\XPAUDIO and click OK. It will start copying files
16.At Insert Disk, click OK.
17.It will then use the Windows 95 CD to copy the files for the game port joystick.
18.Windows 95 will load and you will have sounds.

Installing the Lt. Win Modem

1.Click on Start, Settings and Control Panel.
2.Double click on the System icon and then click on the Device Manager tab.
3.In the list, find OTHER DEVICES and click on the + sign.
4.Click on Lt. Win Modem once and then click on the Remove button.
5.Click on OK to confirm the device removal.
6.Click on the Refresh button.
7.At the Update Device Driver Wizard, insert the Modem Drivers disk and click on Next.
8.Windows 95 will find the Lt. Win Modem. Click on Finish.
9.At Copy Files From prompt type A:\ and click OK.
10.Click on the Close button and your modem is now installed.

Installing the USB Supplement

1.Insert the Windows 95 CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2.Click on Start, select Run and type: G:\other\updates\usb\usbsupp.exe and click OK.
3.Click on Yes to install the Microsoft USB supplement.
4.Click YES for the software agreement.
5.Click OK to restart your Computer.
6.Click Next to Install the Generic USB hub.
7.Click Finish to install the Generic USB hub.
8.Click on Start, select Run and type: G:\other\updates\usb\usbupd2.exe and click OK.
9.Click on Start, Shutdown and choose Restart the Computer to finish the install.

If you have any trouble with some of the steps, please call the AMBRA technical support line at 1-800-565-3344 for further

Search Keywords

Document Category

Audio, Modems, Preloaded Software, Software Installation/Configuration, Video, Windows 95

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Product Family

Ispirati 400

Machine Type





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