384.309 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: LWIK-3ZSM7N

TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows NT

Applicable to: World-Wide


This diskette provides the display driver for Windows NT 4.0 users. The display driver enables or updates the display function of the following ThinkPad computers:
- ThinkPad 390
- ThinkPad i Series 1720, i Series 1721


Name & Size (bytes)
vftpbwnt.exe : 368373
vftpbwnt.txt : 3708


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Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

Installation guide
To determine if you have to update the display driver or not, please refer to the "Summary of Changes" section.
1. Boot Windows NT 4.0.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard disk.
3. Click on the Start button.
4. Move the cursor to the Settings then click on the Control Panel.
5. Double-click on the Display icon.
6. Select on the Settings tab.
7. Click on the Display Type... button.
8. Click on the Change... button.
9. Click on the Have Disk... button.
10. Type C:\DRIVERS\WNT\VIDEO in the source path and then click on the OK button.
11. Windows NT finds NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV then click on the OK button.
12. Click on the Yes button to confirm that you are installing a third-party driver.
13. Click on the Close button to close the Display Type window.
14. Click on the Close button to close the Display Properties window.
15. Click on the Yes button and restart the computer to make the driver effective.
--- After Restart ---
17. Click on the OK button, when the Invalid Display Settings message appears.
18. Display Properties window appears. Select your screen parameter from the color palette, desktop area, and refresh frequency.
19. Click on the Test button and make sure the selected mode is displayed correctly on the screen.
20. Click on the OK button in the Display Properties window.

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn> Diskette version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
(New) New function or enhancement
(Fix) Correction to existing function

-(New) The display performance of 256/65536 colors setting is improved.
-(Fix) The hardware overlay does not fit to the window size after the display output type is switching from the LCD to external monitor with the LCD screen expansion function enabled.

-(Fix) The mouse pointer is invisible on hardware overlay playback window.
-(Fix) The refresh rate can not be changed with "Independent Display Timing (IDT)" mode.
-(Fix) Some minor problems.

-(Fix) The LCD screen expansion setting does not work with NeoMagic display properties.
-(Fix) Some minor problems.

-(New) Support for ThinkPad i Series 1721.

-(New) Initial release for ThinkPad 390 and i Series 1720.

* IBM and ThinkPad are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.
* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Other company, product, and service names may be registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of others.

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Video, Windows NT

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2626, 2627




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