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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SSCT-3JMDY7

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IBM PC - Processor upgrade jumpers

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:

The "Installing Options" manual describes processor upgrades for PC 300 systems but does not cover a couple of situations that may arise.

Intel has recently released 100MHz i486 DX4 and 25/63MHz Pentium Overdrive upgrades. These have onboard 5v to 3.3v regulators so may be installed in any SX, DX or DX2 model of the PC-300. If a DX4 Overdrive is fitted, remove jumpers JP10 1-2 and 3-4 .This ensures that the DX4 runs at 3x the planar speed.

The base planar speed is set by jumper J37 (ON=25MHz OFF=33 MHz). Some examples:

1. When upgrading from an SX/33 to a DX2/50 or Pentium Overdrive 25/63, J37 must be ON.
2. When upgrading from a DX2/50 to a DX2/66, DX4/100 or Pentium Overdrive 33/83, J37 must be OFF

Note: If a DX4 Overdrive is installed, the Setup utility may report the processor type as "unknown" and the speed as 0MHz. However QCONFIG (from DOS) will measure the actual processor speed.

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6571, 6573, 6575, 6581, 6583, 6585




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