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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: CPES-3AAP3U

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TP 760L/LD/EL/ELD - 9547 LA Base Models

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:

Cross Reference Table LA models

ThinkPad 760 EL, ELD, L, LD
Name S4H S3F
Type 9547 9547
Processor Pentium Pentium
*Speed 133/66 MHz. 100/66 MHz.
Slots (PCMCIA T-III/ 1 or 2 or 2 1 or 2 or 2
Memory EDO SO
DIMM 3.3 V (1)
* Std/Max (MB) 16/80 8/72
* Open Sockets 2 2
Hardfile 1.08 GB 810 MB
Diskette Drives 3.5" 1.44 1.44
Power Supply Li-Ion Battery Li-Ion Battery
Video (svga) (2) 12.1" TFT 12.1" TFT
*Max Res. 800x600 800x600
*Colors 64K 64K
Audio (3)
*16-bit stereo Built-in Built-in
*Microphone Built-in Built-in
*Speakers .5W Built-in Built-in
*2 Infrared IRDA 1.0 IRDA 1.0
*Transfer mode (IBM) 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbp 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbps
*Transfer mode (HP) 9600 bps-115 Kbps 9600 bps-115 Kbps
*Transfer mode (Sha) 9600 bps 9600 bps
Operating System Win 95 Win 95

1. This is a new 64 bit type of memory and cannot be used with PREVIOUSLY announced 365, 755 or 760
2. External monitor resolution may change.
3. Sound Blaster Pro-compatible. Equipped with jacks for external devices and volume control
*- Non-parity memory options or equivalent can be used

Spanish / Portuguese
Name S3A / P3A S31 / P31
Type 9547 9547
Processor Pentium Pentium
*Speed 90/60 MHz. 90/60 MHz.
Slots (PCMCIA T-III/ 1 or 2 or 2 1 or 2 or 2
Memory SO DIMM
* Std/Max (MB) 8/40 8/40
* Open Sockets 2 2
Hardfile 810 MB 810 MB
Diskette Drives 3.5" 1.44 1.44
Power Supply NiMH battery NiMH battery
Video (vga) (1) 10.4" TFT 10.4" TFT
*Max Res. 640x480 640x480
*Colors 16 M 16 M
Audio (2)
*16-bit stereo Built-in Built-in
*Microphone Built-in Built-in
*Speakers .5W Built-in Built-in
*2 Infrared IRDA 1.0 IRDA 1.0
*Transfer mode (IBM) 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbp 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbps
*Transfer mode (HP) 9600 bps-115 Kbps 9600 bps-115 Kbps
*Transfer mode (Sha) 9600 bps 9600 bps
Operating System (3) Win 95 SelectaSystem

1. External monitor resolution may change.
2. Sound Blaster Pro-compatible. Equipped with jacks for external devices and volume control
3. SelectaSystem includes PC DOS 7, MS Windows 3.11, OS/2 Warp 3.0.

Spanish / Portuguese
Name S0A / P0A S01 / P01
Type 9547 9547
Processor Pentium Pentium
*Speed 90/60 MHz. 90/60 MHz.
Slots (PCMCIA T-III/ 1 or 2 or 2 1 or 2 or 2
Memory SO DIMM
* Std/Max (MB) 8/40 8/40
* Open Sockets 2 2
Hardfile 810 MB 810 MB
CD-ROM Not Not
Diskette Drives 3.5" 1.44 1.44
Power Supply NiMH battery NiMH battery
Video (vga) (1) 10.4" TFT 10.4" TFT
*Max Res. 640x480 640x480
*Colors 16 M 16 M
Audio (2)
*16-bit stereo Built-in Built-in
*Microphone Built-in Built-in
*Speakers .5W Built-in Built-in
*2 Infrared IRDA 1.0 IRDA 1.0
*Transfer mode (IBM) 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbp 57.6 Kbps-1.15 Mbps
*Transfer mode (HP) 9600 bps-115 Kbps 9600 bps-115 Kbps
*Transfer mode (Sha) 9600 bps 9600 bps
Operating System (3) Win 95 SelectaSystem

1. External monitor resolution may change.
2. Sound Blaster Pro-compatible. Equipped with jacks for external devices and volume control
3. SelectaSystem includes PC DOS 7, MS Windows 3.11, OS/2 Warp 3.0.

Search Keywords

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General Information

Date Created


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Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

Machine Type





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