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Document ID: YAST-3GPLKB

28.8/14.4 PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem w/Integrated DAA - Installation Procedures

Applicable to: World-Wide

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Please be careful when you install IBM 28.8Kbps Data/FAX modem on Windows95 Operating System.

This modem requires the correct device driver for Windows 95. Any of the device drivers included in the original Windows95 will not work with the modem. The diskette in the carton contains the right modem driver. Please follow the instructions below or the instructions in the Installation (User's) Guide to install the driver from the diskette.

If you have already installed a wrong driver
Follow steps 1 - 7 below to remove the wrong driver from your system and follow the Installation (User's) Guide to install the correct driver.

1. Insert the modem card. (for PCMCIA modems your computer can be powered on or off)
2. Go to Windows95 Control Panel, click on the System icon.
3. On the System Property windows, click the Device Manager tab.
4. Double click the Modem icon so that you can see the wrong modem driver icon.
5. Select the driver icon and remove it by clicking Remove button at the bottom of the window.
6. Click OK to close the System Property windows, remove the PCMCIA card from the system. If you are installing an ISA modem, do not remove the ISA modem.
7. Then, follow the instructions in the Installation Guide to install the correct driver from the diskette.

Quick Installation Procedures for Windows95:
1. Get the adapter seen in the system as a standard 28.8 modem.
2. Make sure you can issue AT commands to the modem.
3. Remember what com port you have the modem .. you will need later.
4. Run the V34flash.exe off of the 288mod02.exe diskette.
5. The flash should prompt you for the com port.
6. If you get errors during flash... verify com port.
7. Once the flash is complete... remove the modem from device manager.
8. Try to add a new modem and get the driver off of the 288mod02.exe.

This information was taken from the PCMCIA 28.8/14.4 Data Fax Modem Installation & Testing Instruction manual.

This section includes procedures that will allow you to connect and disconnect the Data/Fax Modem to, and from, your personal computer and a PSTN telephone line. Also included are instructions for installing the Data/Fax Modem software for users of both OS/2 and DOS operating systems and in the Windows environment.

During the software installation you will be offered the option of installing a device driver, the README file, the online documentation, and the diagnostics program. Depending on your computer, your applications software, and your computer skills it may not be necessary to install any or all of those files. If you want to conserve space on your computer's hard disk, you can choose not to install them or to install only some of them. The files will always be available to you for later installation from the Data/Fax Modem diskette.

Backing Up the Data/Fax Modem Diskette:
It is a good idea to make a backup copy of the Data/Fax Modem diskette to use should something happen to the original. To make a backup copy, you will need a blank, 3.5-inch, 2.0-MB capacity diskette.

Follow your computer's operating system instructions for making a copy of the diskette. Place the original Data/Fax Modem diskette in a safe place, and use the backup copy for installation and testing.

Connecting to the Telephone Network:
The connection and installation procedures that follow are shown in one of many possible orders. The order in which the connections ate made between your computer, the PC Card, the interface cable, and a telephone outlet is unimportant and will not affect the performance or reliability of your Data/Fax Modem. In addition, you may make these connections with your computer either on or off.

Use the cable illustrated in Figure 2, in the installation manual, and connect the RJ-11 end of the cable to a PSTN outlet.

Installing and Removing the PC Card:
1. Move the latching button on the PC Card connector (the half-circle in the center of the adapter connector) toward the cable, The cable cannot be connected or disconnected unless the latch is retracted.

2. Attach the connector to the PC Card. The PC Card connector is keyed to attach to the PC Card one way only. If you feel any resistance, remove the PC Card connector, turn R over, and reattach it.

3. To lock the PC Card cable securely, move the latching button toward the PC Card.

Hint: In some cases, you may want to leave the PC Card cable latch retracted. If the PC Card cable is pulled, it will disconnect from the PC Card, possibly preventing your
computer from being pulled off a table.

4. Insert the PC Card into any PC Card socket.

The PC Card is keyed to go in one way only. If you feel resistance before the PC Card is fully inserted, remove the PC Card, turn it over, and reinsert it.

Note: When removing your PC Card from your computer with the PC Card connector attached, press the computer's eject button and gently pull on the PC Card connector. Never pull the interface cable to remove the PC Card and connector.

5. Continue with "Installing and Configuring the Software" on page 9.

Installing and Configuring the Software Warning:
Save and close any open applications at this time to avoid any risk of data loss.

The README file contains information about the software installation that may be helpful with your application. We recommend that you read this file before installing the software. For instructions on how to view the file, see "Accessing the README File" on page 12.

1. Insert the Data/Fax Modem diskette in your diskette drive.

2. Based on your operating system or environment, begin the software installation as follows:

OS/2 users:
- Open an OS/2 full screen.
- At the command prompt, type a:lnstos2 and press Enter.

Windows users:
- Pull down File from the Program Manager Action Bar and select Run.
- In the dialog box, type a:lnstwin and press Enter.

DOS users:
- At the command prompt, type a:instdos and press Enter.

3. Follow the instructions of the setup program.

Although you can install the software without first inserting the Data/Fax Modem PC Card, we recommend that you insert it and any other PC Cards that you will be using with the Data/Fax Modem before you run the setup program.

The modern device driver requires that Card Services be installed on your computer. If you receive the message "Card Services is required," you must install Card Services before the software installation can continue. Refer to your computer and operating system manuals for instructions on how to do this.

The installation program will detect whether or not your computer is already equipped with a Card Services super enabler. If one is present, the setup program will detect this and you will not need to install the v34modem device driver that is included on the Data/Fax Modem diskette,

4. When prompted, choose whether or not you want to install the README file on your computer. If you choose not to install it, you can read it at any time on the Data/Fax Modem diskette.

5. When prompted, choose whether or not you want to install the online documentation on your computer. If you choose not to install it, the online documentation will still be available to you for later installation from the Data/Fax Modem diskette.

6. When prompted, choose whether or not you want to install the diagnostics program on your computer. This program performs testing and diagnostics on your Data/Fax Modem. If you choose not to install R, the program will still be available to you for later installation from the Data/Fax Modem diskette.

7. If you want to verify that you have installed the PC Card and software correctly and that the Data/Fax Modem is functioning correctly, continue with "Testing the Data/Fax Modem". If not, you have finished the installation. To get important information on using your Data/Fax Modem, read "Using the Data/Fax Modem".

Keywords: OBI PCMCIA 28.8 14.4 Data Fax Modem 25H6420 38H5062 Installing

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