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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39ZFMV

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IBM PC - Use of E000-EFFF memory range

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
On many recent IBM systems the E000-EFFF memory address range has been available for UMB space or the EMS page frame. However, EA00-EBFF on PC 300 P60/P75/P90 and PC 700 systems is occupied by the Plug & Play Data Area (the "ESCD") to store ISA Legacy Adapter details.

In general this information is only used during POST, so while you mayinclude E000-EFFF in EMM386, doing so could cause problems in certain programs ( ICUs - Intel Card Utilities) such as LANAID that rely on ESCD information. It is recommended that E000-EFFF is included using EMM386 only for those situations where memory requirements are critical.

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Product Family

PC 100, PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6271, 6281, 6571, 6575, 6576, 6581, 6585, 6586, 6875, 6876, 6885, 6886



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