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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3VKPVL

TP 600,770/E/ED - How to use the LAN Installation Feature in Windows 95 for the ThinkPad Modem

Applicable to: World-Wide

The Readme.txt file found in the ThinkPad Modem folder in the Windows 95 Start Menu describes a process to use the LAN installation feature in Windows 95 to install the ThinkPad Modem software from a shared disk connected to a local area network (LAN). The Readme.txt file does not contain the correct information in order to initiate this process. To correctly perform a LAN install in Windows 95, use the following instructions:

1.) Create a directory structure to hold all the ThinkPad Modem diskettes. Copy the ThinkPad Modem source diskettes into the directory. One method is to use XCOPY with the /S switch.


(Where x is the network drive where you will copy these files.)

Important Note: There may be multiple copies of MWDSP437.INF on the diskettes. You must ensure that only the version that is on diskette 1 is copied to x:\CIDROOT.

2.) Create a file named MW_CID.LST. Place this file into the root of the directory you created in Step 1. In this example, create the MW_CID.LST file in the x:\CIDROOT directory. This file will contain the automatic installation information needed to use the LAN installation feature. The MW_CID.LST file below contains the installation defaults, but you may modify them to change the destination of the software.

Sample MW_CID.LST file:

;Set all three of these to the same base directory

; Do not touch these settings

3.) Install the ThinkPad Modem Software:

A. Go to the workstation where you want to install the ThinkPad Modem software. Select START and RUN. From the RUN window type:


(Where x:\CIDROOT\SETUP.EXE is the fully-qualified path to the shared disk where the installation files reside.)

This will initiate the procedure to uninstall any older ThinkPad Modem software and prepare the system for the new software. This uninstall process is not CID enabled, so the user must manually confirm the removal of any software currently on the system. At the end of this part of the process, Setup will ask you to restart Windows 95.

B. When Windows 95 restarts, the Add New Hardware Wizard will detect a new device and prompt you for a location to the device driver software. At this point you would enter:


C. The installation will proceed automatically. At the end of the installation, a message appears telling you that the install is completed. Press OK.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED

Machine Type

2645, 2646, 9549




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