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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3W6KLY

56K ISA Modem Internet Kit - Installation under Windows 95 OSR2

Applicable to: World-Wide

Update to installation instructions for 56K Internet Modem Kit (Option 42H4321).

The instructions found in the users guide for installation under Microsoft Windows 95 were written to reflect the installation process under the first release of Windows 95. Following the initial release of Windows 95, Microsoft made updates and released several OEM Service Releases for distribution as pre-loaded images by OEM manufacturers including IBM. These releases are know as OSRÆs. The installation steps outlined below are intended to more accurately reflect the installation process under the OSR2 version of Windows 95 found on systems purchases in the last 1.5 to 2 years.

Windows 95 OSR2 installation instructions for IBM 56k Internet Modem Kit (42H4321):

  1. After the modem has been physically installed in the system, and the system powered back on, Windows 95 should display the ôUpdate Device Wizardö.
  2. Insert the ISA modem for windows diskette into you disk drive ôAö and click the NEXT button in the window to allow Windows to search for the driver. Note that Windows will search both the floppy and the hard disk for the drivers.
  3. Windows will note that it has found new drivers for your modem, and upon viewing this message, click the FINISH button in the window.
  4. Wait for the installation of the driver software to complete.
  5. An installation screen will then appear, informing you that the system requires the disk labeled ôISA modem for Windows 56K DSVDö. Click the OK button.
  6. Enter the diskette drive letter followed by a colon (usually æA:Æ) and click OK.
  7. Wait for the installation of the driver software to complete.
  8. The update device wizard will appear once again to complete the install of ôwave device for modemö. Click NEXT.
  9. Click FINISH to complete the installation. You may be asked to reboot your system. Be sure to remove the floppy disk from the drive before doing so.

If the installation fails and you must re-install the modem, be sure to remove the partially installed drivers first. To remove the drivers, open the ôcontrol panelö window, then choose the system folder, then device manager tab. Click on the listed modem driver and then click ôremoveö. Next, click ôrefreshö.

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