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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3WCKCQ

Aptiva - 2159 Updating software settings after removing Mwave

Applicable to: Canada, United States

To change software to run MPEG programs originally included with your computer:
Most of the MPEG software that came with your computer will run without additional setup. However, in some cases you may need to update other software settings for the MPEG software to run properly. To make these updates, find the instructions in this section that apply to the model you purchased and follow them.

Important: Before changing software to run MPEG programs, be sure you save your critical configuration and system files using the Emergency Recovery Utility.

1. From the Windows 95 Start button, click Run.

2. When the Run dialogue box appears, press the Delete key to remove the contents of the Open box.

3. Type: sysedit and then click OK. The System Configuration Editor window will appear.

4. From the Window menu, click C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI.

5. From the Search menu, click Find.

6. In the Find box, type [mci] (including the brackets), then click Next. The [mci] line will be highlighted. Press the down arrow key until you can see the line mpegvideo=ibmmpg16.dll. Type a semicolon as the first character on the line. The line should look like this:


7. From the File menu, click Save.

8. Close the System Configuration Editor window.

9. From the Windows 95 Start button, click Run.

10. When the Run dialogue box appears, press the Delete key to remove the contents of the Open box.

11. Type: regedit and then click OK. The Registry Editor window will appear.

12. From the Edit menu, click Find... The Find window will appear.

13. In the Find what: box, type: ibm16sel.dll and then click Find Next.

14. If the search finds ibm16sel.dll, make sure the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control\SessionManager\Known16DLLs] directory is the current directory. Continue at step 16.

15. If the search does not find ibm16sel.dll, make [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control\SessionManager\Known16DLLs] the current directory.

16. Press and hold the Ctrl key while you click any of the following files that appear in the directory:


17. When all the files are highlighted, press the Delete key.

18. When the Confirm Value Delete dialogue box appears asking if you are sure you want to delete the values, click Yes.

19. From the Registry menu, click Exit. To complete this procedure you must have access to the World Wide Web.

20. Go to the World Wide Web at: http://www.download.com

21. Search for Activemovie.

22. Download ActiveMovie Player 1.0 to a diskette or to a folder on your hard file.

23. From the location where you downloaded ActiveMovie, double-click amov4ie.exe.

24. The Microsoft ActiveMovie dialogue box appears, asking if you want to perform the install. Click Yes.

25. The Microsoft ActiveMovie license agreement box appears. Read the agreement and click Yes.

26. The Microsoft ActiveMovie Setup dialogue box appears. Click OK.

27. Shut down and restart your computer.

28. A Caution dialogue box appears with the following text:

Some of the file types usually associated with ActiveMovie are currently associated with other programs. Because of this, you may be unable to play certain types of multimedia files. Do you want to fix this (by restoring the file types to ActiveMovie?
Click Yes.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Audio, Mwave

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2159, 2176


13R; 14R; 15R; 16R; 17R; 20R; S64; S66; S74; S76; S78; S7H; C6Z; 9R1


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes