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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3WCT8Z

TP 380,385,560,600,770 - Some CardBus adapters will not configure properly

Applicable to: World-Wide, World-Wide

The CardBus adapter will not configure properly.

This issue is only seen with the following cards used on IBM ThinkPad 380x, 385x, 560x, 600, and 770x:

Adaptec 1480 SCSI (not the 1480A)
Melco IFC-UC CardBus Ultra SCSI Adapter
Noteworthy Video Conferencing CardBus Card
Madge Token Ring CardBus Adapter (20-02)
SMC 8032 CardBus Ethernet Adapter
Ositech 10/100 Ethernet/56K Combo CardBus Adapter
Ositech 10/100 Base TX Fast Ethernet CardBus Trumpcard 7 of Spades

These cards will not configure on ThinkPads using the TI1250 CardBus controller chip.

1. Upgrade the Thinkpad to the latest level of BIOS.

2. Install the new Thinkpad Utility program.
a. Obtain the latest level of the Thinkpad Utility, Utility Data Disk 1, and DOS Personalization diskettes.
b. Double click on Add/Remove Programs icon (Start->Settings->Control Panel)
c. Scroll down and click on Thinkpad Utility.
d. Click the Add/Remove button.
d. Check the 'delete all files' box and click OK.
e. Click OK to restart the system.
f. Insert the Thinkpad Utility disk in the floppy drive
g. At the Run line (Start->Run...) type a:\setup <Enter>
h. Follow the instructions to load the new Thinkpad Utility program.

3. Disable the PCI Bus Power Management feature
a. Double click on the Power icon (Start->Settings->Control Panel)
b. Click on the Advanced Settings tab
c. Click on the pull down box next to PCI Bus Power Management
d. Change the setting from Automatic to Disable.
e. Click OK

The above procedure is only necessary when using one or more of the seven adapters listed in the Configuration section. Since the procedure disables one of the power management features of the PC Card controller, there may be a slight degradation of battery life performance. However, the battery life performance would only be affected when there is a CardBus card in the system.

Therefore, IBM does not recommend applying this procedure unless you are using one of the listed seven cards and experiencing configuration difficulties.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD, ThinkPad 560, ThinkPad 560E, ThinkPad 560X, ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED

Machine Type

2635, 2640, 2645, 2646, 9548, 9549




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