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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-386B94

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IBM PS/2 - Memory allocation errors with System 370 Channel Emulator/A

Applicable to: World-Wide

8560, 8565 or 8580 systems that have a 486 DX33 or 486 BL2-66 Upgrade System Board installed may encounter memory allocation errors when a System 370 Channel Emulator Adapter/A, Option part number 1674899 or FRU P/N06F3160, is installed.

Problem Isolation Aids:
1. The machine configuration is as follows:
a. 24MB memory (six 4MB SIMMs)
b. 370/A card installed in Slot 1
c. OS/2 2.1
d. No other adapters installed
e. 486 system board upgrade installed
2. The System Board Upgrade or Channel Emulator card was just installed.
3.The customer is able to run configuration but is unable to allocate memory for the adapter in slot 1.
4. Reducing the quantity of system memory from 24MB to 8MB eliminates the problem.

1. If the customer is going to use the memory address space between C0000H-DFFFFH for the 370 adapter, do the following:
a. Install the 370 adapter.
b. Run Reference Diskette and select run "Automatic Configuration" from the main menu. The RED message about memory allocation should be ignored. Do not exit program.
c. When setup screen appears, go to the "SLOT SETUP" window.
d. Change the option to "I/O Buffer" and select any choice that does not create a conflict, Do not select ">1M".
e. Save the configuration.
2. If the customer is going to use address space between 1MB and 16MB, do the following:-
a. Install the 370 adapter.
b. Run Reference Diskette and select "Set Configuration" from the main menu. The RED message about memory allocation should be ignored. Do not exit the program.
c. When setup screen appears, go to "Extra Features" window.
d. Change the option "Disable memory below 16MB". Select 1MB.
e. Save the configuration.
f. Run Reference Diskette. Select "Set Configuration" from the main menu.
g. When setup screen appears, go to the "SLOT SETUP" window.
h. Change the option to "I/O Buffer". Select ">1M".
i. Save the configuration.

PSY2 REPLY PSY2OEM D/T8565 D/T8580 PSY2ADPT P/N71G2643 P/N71G2610

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Adapter Cards

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Product Family


Machine Type

8560, 8565, 8580



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