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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QPMMN

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Servers - Configuration of the SSA RAID array

Applicable to: World-Wide

Configuration of the SSA RAID Array

To configure the SSA RAID Subsystems, you must perform the following tasks :

1. Running the Configuration Utility.
- Boot from the SSA PC-DOS configurator and Service Aids Diskette.
- Execute ISSACFG.EXE.
- If the display is coming up in monochrome, exit out and run a:\mode co86 and run ISSACFG.EXE again.

2. Accept the new disk drives into the susbsystem. Perform this step if new drives are installed and not seen in Free Resources.
- Selected the SSA Adapter for the list and press <Enter>.
- Select New Disks.
- Highlight a drive and press <Delete> to accept the new drive and repeat for each new drive.
- The new accepted drives will now be displayed in Free Resources.

3. Configure Disk Arrays.
- From main menu, select SSA Adapter List.
- Select the Adapter to control the Array.
- Select the type of array to be created.
- Press <Insert> to create a new array.
- You MUST enter in a unique array name for the new array.
- Press <Enter> to set each attribute.
- When the last attribute is set, a window (Members of the array) will appear.
- Press <Insert> and a list of disk drives will appear.
- Select a drive to be included in the array and press <Enter>.
- Repeat for each drive to be included in array.
- <Esc> to create the array.
- The array will be initialized on confirmation to create array.

4. Attach the disk arrays or individual drives to your system.
- From main Menu, select SSA Adapter.
- Select Systems Resources.
- Press <Insert>.
- Highlight the resource to be added and press <Enter>. If you are going to boot from an SSA disk drive, that disk must be at the top of the list.
- <Esc> and exit.

5. Booting From SSA Disk Drive :
- The SSA Disk drive must be at top of list in System Resources.
- The SSA Adapter must be installed in a PCI slot with a higher priority than the slot used by the SCSI adapter. In some servers the lower slot number may have higher priority. Please refer to the server user's manual.
- The CBIOS of the SSA Adapter must be enabled. By default it is disable. To enable, press the <Tab> key when message CBIOS Disable appears during boot up.

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