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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SRUL-3DLNFT

PC Server 325 / 330 / 704 - Remote power control

Applicable to: World-Wide

Netfinity Manager Services

Is it possible to power on the PC Server 325, 330, 704 with the Advanced Systems Management Adapter remotely via a command or time scheduled ?

This is possible using Netfinity. You will need the 'IBM PC Advanced Systems Management Power Unit (P/N 94G5571) for the Server 704, this Power unit is not required on the PC Server 325 or PC Server 330 as they can supply continuous power.

In addition to TME 10 Netfinity, you need to install the code supplied with the adapter. This code will add an icon to the Netfinity folder. This does not supply command line support, only support via Netfinity.

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Hint Category

Netfinity Manager

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 704, Systems Management

Machine Type

8639, 8640, 8650, Various




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