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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ABJAX

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TP 355,360,750,755 - Transfer rates of 170MB and 340MB hard disks?

Applicable to: World-Wide

Description :

2.5 inch 170 million bytes Drive Specifications:

Formatted Capacity 171.9 MBytes
Bytes/Sector 512
Sectors/Track 48(ID)/72(OD)
Cylinders 1575
Number of heads 4
Number of disks 2
Average Seek (ms) 15 ms
Data transfer rate 16.2(ID)/24.0(OD) MBits/sec
Average Latency 7.9 ms
Sector Interleave 1:1
Bus Interface ATA
Buffer 32 KBytes

2.5 inch 340 million bytes Drive Specifications:

Formatted Capacity 344 MBytes
Bytes/Sector 512
Sectors/Track 60(ID)/90(OD)
Cylinders 2263 (User Available)
Number of heads 4
Number of disks 2
Average Seek (ms) 14 ms
Data transfer rate 20(ID)/32(OD) MBits/sec
Average Latency 7.9 ms
Sector Interleave 1:1
Bus Interface ATA
Buffer 32 KBytes

ID = inside diameter (close to the center of the drive)
OD = outside diameter (close to the edge of the drive)

The further away from the center the tracks are, the longer they are.

t = 2 * PI * r

with t = track length
r = distance from center of the disk

In these disk drives we have more sectors per track on the outside than on the inside, and consequently more data can be stored per track. Given that the rotational speed of the drive is constant, more date can be transferred from/to the drive when the disk head is positioned at the edge of the disk surface (OD) than near the center of the drive ID

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hard Drives, Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 355, ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS, ThinkPad 755CE/CSE, ThinkPad 755CX, ThinkPad 755CV, ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV

Machine Type

2619, 2620, 9545




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